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Chad Sowash
May 26, 2021
Panic, Truth, & Fire
Allyn Bailey first joined us on a stage in Canada at The Gathering as Intel's Talent Acquisition Transformation Manager. She blew us...

Chad Sowash
May 10, 2021
Firing Squad:'s Oras Al-Kubaisi
Job descriptions used to be so easy. Five lines in the local newspaper and done. Then the Internet came along and gave us unlimited white...

Chad Sowash
May 5, 2021
Vaccines, Wages, and Hybrid Work
Let's face it, COVID times are nebulous at best. and with questions like: Should employers mandate the COVID vaccination? Will employers...

Chad Sowash
May 3, 2021
Wage Wars
Remember Suresh Naidu, the professor of economics and international and public affairs at Columbia University? If you haven't heard our...

Chad Sowash
Apr 28, 2021
BrassRing Acquired, LinkedIn vs. Degreed, RippleMatch, IPO?
How's that saying go? Empires don't die with a bang, they go out with a whimper. Or something like that. If you're thinking the...

Chad Sowash
Apr 21, 2021
Inclusive AF w/ Jackye
We've made significant progress making our workplaces more equitable, diverse, and inclusive, right? Not so fast, says Jackye Clayton,...

Chad Sowash
Apr 16, 2021
Fear, Loathing, and ZipRecruiter
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the economy added 233K jobs in January, 468K in February, and 916K in March. So, everyone...

Chad Sowash
Apr 12, 2021
Firing Squad: Wedge HR's Matt Baxter
Video interviewing. You've probably heard it's sort of a thing since the pandemic. We're talkin' mass acquisitions here. So here comes...

Chad Sowash
Apr 9, 2021
Unicorns Everywhere!
Cha-ching! Just when you thought more money couldn't come into workforce tech, something else knocks your socks off. This week... Phenom...

Chad Sowash
Apr 7, 2021
Top Talent Myth w/ Frida Polli
The Chad & Cheese continue the well-pedigreed conversations, this time with a CEO/cofounder reppin' Harvard, Dartmouth, and MIT....
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