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Amazon Tweeting Zombies & Google Veteran Search

The weeks leading up to the HR Tech Conference are akin to a bucket o' crickets. But Chad & Cheese aren't slowing down.

This week:

- Google shows their strategic hand

- Snag shuffles the deck with a new COO and CXO

- Amazon unleashes an army of tweeting zombies declaring love for warehouse jobs

Get ya' popcorn and visit our sponsors: Sovren, JobAdX and America's Job Exchange.


Announcer: Hide your kids. Lock the doors. You're listening to HR's most dangerous podcast. Chad Sowash, and Joel Cheesman, are here to punch the recruiting industry right where it hurts. Complete with breaking news, brash opinion, and loads of snark. Buckle up boys and girls. It's time for the Chad and Cheese podcast.

Joel: Are you ready for some football. Welcome to the Chad and Cheese podcast. Always a safe bet for your fantasy team. I'm Joel Cheesman.

Chad: O-H.

Joel: I-O. On this weeks show, Google shows the military some love, Chad, you'll like that. You can now pay to have someone quit your job for you-

Chad: What?

Joel: -thanks a lot millennials. And Amazon releases and army of tweeting worker zombies. Yeah. It's about to get a little uncomfortable up in here. Stay tuned.

Sovren: Sovren AI matching is the most sophisticate matching engine on the market, because it acts just like a human. You decide exactly how our AI matching engine thinks about each individual transaction. It will find, rank, and sort the best matches according to your criteria. Not only does it deliver the best matches, it tells you how, and why it produced them. And offers tips to improve the results. Our engine thinks like you, so you don't have to learn how to think like the engine. To learn more about Sovren AI matching, visit, that's S-O-V-R-E-N dot com.

Joel: I'd the engine thinks like us, it needs some re-engineering.

Chad: Yeah. Whenever I hear this ad I think of Westworld, have you watched Westworld on HBO?

Joel: I have not.

Chad: I always wonder if the androids on Westworld have Sovren logos on them somewhere.

Joel: Let's move to shout-outs, shall we?

Chad: Please.

Joel: Let's preface this podcast by saying, it's a fairly slow week. HR tech is coming up. All the companies like Lock & Load, their PR HR tech.

Chad: Yeah.

Joel: And by the way, if you're a smaller company, that's probably not the greatest strategy because all the bloggers and podcasters are going to be talking to the big companies, making big announcements. So, if you're a smaller company it's actually a good time, right now, to release some stuff because people like us need stuff to talk about, and that could help us out.

Joel: And also, don't want until the week after, because we're all hungover and don't want to talk about anything. So now's a good time, small startup, to drop your news on everybody.

Joel: In fact, I think this week we may have more shout-outs than actually news, so let's get to those real quick.

Chad: Okay. So Kelly Robinson's son's name, which you asked me on the last pod-

Joel: Big fan.

Chad: -is actually Maverick. I can't believe that shit. That's a pretty fricking cool name. Maverick Robinson. Anyway, he tweeted us.

Joel: Dude, Kelly's the coolest dad ever.

Chad: He's got to be.

Joel: Name your kid Maverick.

Chad: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Joel: Does he have like, another kid names Goose, and another kid named ... What were all the Top Gun names? Maverick, Goose ...

Chad: Goose died. Maybe, Iceman. But I wouldn't name my kid Goose.

Joel: Iceman, there you go.

Chad: I mean, Goose ... He died. Dumbass. But yeah ...

Joel: Give me a break. That's the only I could think of.

Chad: So he reached out to us on Twitter, #ChadCheese. You should reach out too, say hi. Say we're awesome, say we suck. Whatever you want. Darren Revell, from RecruiterWEB, giving us some love on LinkedIn.

Joel: Never heard of RecruiterWEB, it sounds awful. But yeah. Thanks for listening. That's great. I'm going to give a shout-out quick to Brian Wilson, at JobAdder, he's a big fan of the show. As well as Beth Herman, a big exect over at Monster, who's a regular listener. Beth, and Brian, thanks for listening.

Chad: Brian Wilson, he was a Beach Boy, is that the same ... Not the same guy?

Joel: Yeah. I don't think it's the same one.

Chad: Okay.

Joel: Yeah. I don't think the Brian Wilson is listening to recruitment podcasts.

Chad: Could be. Could be.

Joel: But that'd be cool.

Chad: Yeah. Richard Collins, co-founder of ClickIQ, commented about the pod on LinkedIn, this is what he said, "From this side of the pond it's like looking through a small, angry window at the future. Love it. Keep up the great work." Well, Richard, we sc need to make that window bigger, so let's see what we can do about getting some Chad and Cheese live, over across the pond. I think that'd be a good time.

Joel: They don't want none of this.

Chad: Oh, they want it.

Joel: Hung Lee.

Chad: Hung Lee.

Joel: We're still not sure if that's his porn name or his real name. But Hung Lee talked about us in his weekly newsletter-

Chad: Really?

Joel: -which I encourage you to get. It's sort of a synopsis of what's going on. But Hung Lee said we were, "The best podcast for breaking news." So Hung Lee, we really appreciate that.

Chad: Love it.

Joel: Got to get that cut on the show. Figure out the name thing, as well as tap into his brain. Because the dude knows a few things, apparently.

Chad: Yeah. So Jen Henley, who was actually on a webinar with us, sent us, or at least she sent me, a handwritten Thank You card. And you don't get these very often, right? The handwritten card, comes to you in the mail, that is class. So good job NAS, love it, Jen. Thanks for being with us on the webinar.

Joel: How awkward would it have been if I didn't get a card too? You might be having some 'splaning to do to Julie.

Chad: Right. Yeah.

Joel: I did get a card, so we're in the clear there.

Chad: Good.

Joel: Jen, yes, thanks for doing that. I found in my time in the business world, that the best sales people, the best partnership folks, are the ones that are doing the handwritten letters, doing the extra mile stuff. So, cheers to you, Jen. Not if Matt Adam is NAS would ever write me handwritten card, I'd probably pass out because that dude is lazy.

Chad: Not to mention, he won't return your calls. Brendan Cruickshank, from, hey, dude, thanks for sending me some-

Joel: Sugar daddy.

Chad: -New England craft beer. I had my first Super Mantis double IPA over the weekend, and it was delicious. He sent me like 12 beers, and there was probably like 6 different beers in it, so awesome, man. Love it.

Joel: Yeah. That's great, Brendan. Yeah. I'm waiting on mine, by the way. That'd be nice. Yeah. Kyle Hager, our resident millennial. Yeah. He's really mad about the baby crying, and Kyle, you know what I have to say to you for that? ...

Chad: Kyle? Yeah, Kyle. We're doing everything we can to get rid of that stupid-ass baby. HR tech, in a few weeks, what we talked about, reach out to us, Joel and I, we'll be there. Joel is going to be sponsored by I am going there with the crew. If you'd like to talk, that's cool. Or maybe, you just want to buy us a beer. We're open to either one. So get ahold of us.

Joel: I just want to know why Emissary is sponsoring my trip but you're getting beer. Like, help my understand that. That's really quite a quandary. Barb [Francillo 00:07:33], I think, maybe I said that correctly. She was in a conversation on social media, wants to know about other video solutions out there. Talked about be discussed Monster Studios, and wanted to know about that. One, Barb, thanks for listening to the show. Number two is, Monster Studios will apparently not be released until HR Tech, which is in a couple weeks, so you have to wait on that.

Joel: However, I will add that your initial question was, "Is there someone out there, other than VideoMyJob?" And Monster Studios is going to be powered by VideoMyJob, so if you don't like VideoMyJob, you're probably not going to like Monster Studios.

Chad: Or you might. It might all be about the brand. Who the hell knows?

Joel: Who in the hell knows?

Chad: Also, get your ass to TAtech in New Orleans, because Joel and I are going to be there for Death Match. We have four contestants, four startups that who are going to-

Joel: Suckers.

Chad: -be fighting to be the Death Match champion. It's all between Talkpush, which is Talkpush it.

Joel: Push it real good ...

Chad: Uncommon.

Joel: Uncommon.

Chad: Yeah. That's right, Uncommon. Canvas.

Joel: AllyO.

Chad: And AllyO. That's right. Those are the four. Make sure that you can get there.

Joel: I want to see Aman and TEG go at it. I think that would be a fun fight, a fun match, to the death.

Chad: Fun match to the death. TEG, Aman, yeah, no. I think they would just kind of sit down, have a beer, and chat it out.

Joel: Yeah. And I think we could join that. I think we should join all the Death Match participants for mass quantities of alcohol for after the matches.

Chad: I think that's something we need to do. And that being said, earlier this week, we dropped the Uncommon exclusive interview with Josh Zywien-

Joel: Zywien.

Chad: -from SmashFly. So if you want to talk a little Chatbot action, take a listen.

Joel: He tells us what he thinks the next big thing is, so there you go.

Chad: He does. He does.

Joel: Are we ready to get to the news?

Chad: Yeah. You already hit the damn bell

Joel: I know. I thought you were going to the news, and you zigs when I was zagging. It's all good.

Chad: Yeah. Just like Emerson.

Joel: So Google vets, man, this is your lane. Go.

Chad: Yeah. So I see this is really just a search upgrade for Google. You know? Yeah. It's all kind of wrapped in this veteran bow, and so on, so forth. It focuses on translating backgrounds, so if you're not well educated on military jobs ... They have stupid-ass identifiers that they use. You're not a "diesel mechanic" you're a '63 Juliette, to '93 Juliette, or something like that. So being able to take those codes and really translate them into real-world jobs, this is something that we in our industry have been trying to do for many different years. And to be quite frank, it just has sucked. I mean, it's either a separate search, or it's not integrated.

Chad: But what Google's doing here, is they're integrating this new capability into their search. Their real Google search. And it works on the API, the Talent Solution Job search API, and also in Google For Jobs. So you can go to Google now, and just type in, let's say, for instance, 42A -- which is alpha -- and jobs. So 42A jobs, and it will automatically start the translation process and push you into those jobs.

Joel: Have you tested this yet?

Chad: Yes. And like most military job translators, it's not great. But I don't think that's the real story here.

Joel: Oh, okay. Okay. How many vets do you think actually put in h2o, or whatever it is, and then jobs? Don't you think most would put in "veteran jobs" and go, "Oh, crap. Google lets me funnel that even more."

Chad: If they know that it is available, the capability's available, they'll probably try it. But do they need to? They probably, really don't need to. They're being taught as they transition to be able to translate their own skill, so. I mean, again, I really don't think that the news, here, is being able to do this translation piece, okay?

Joel: Okay.

Chad: You know? I really that it's different on the capability side of the house. And number one, so all enterprise companies, job boards, and staffing agencies who already are using Google's Cloud Talent Solution, didn't have to life a finger to get this feature to go live on their sites. It was provided directly through the API. And it's kind like when Neo, in the Matrix, wanted to learn Kung-Fu. They just plugged it in, and that shit, he was ready. Right? It's the same kind of thing, dude. I think that's the story, personally. Yes. Getting it's all nice and fluffy. Hey, veterans, you can go put in your thing.

Joel: Did you just make our first Matrix reference for the podcast?

Chad: I think I might have.

Joel: Yeah. I like that. I do like that. So I do like the fact that if veterans go to CareerBuilder, and Dice, and wherever -- like all the places that have this functionality -- and put in the codes, and get the jobs. You know? If they go to a site that doesn't have that functionality, they're going to go, "Well, this blows. And I'm going to go to this other site because they actually care about veterans." Yes?

Chad: Yeah. I'd say to an extent. I mean, I would. Yeah. Indeed doesn't have this. Monster doesn't have it on their homepage search. You have to go to another search mechanism, which is all clunky, and it's shitty, and all that other fun stuff. But again, kind of going back to the real story. What happens when Google turns the veteran information loose on the candidate API, right? The candidate search API.

Chad: So I mean, there are bigger, more strategic conversations to be having at this point. This is the very first step in the opportunity to start to match candidates for their veteran background to our current requisitions. So yes. This first step is really kind of like a shitty crosswalk step. Big deal, right?

Chad: But at the end of this thing, this goes even further. So you have that candidate search APR start to kind of ingest some of those veteran military occupations. And then, I'm going to predict that we're to see Hire by Google surfacing, and matching transitioning military for these types of skills, using this data. Because we're already seeing it with regular recs, now, they've got this new data.

Joel: So how is that going to work? Will companies flip a switch to say I'm amenable to veterans?

Chad: No, won't have to.

Joel: Or will it just say, here's a little flag next to the resume, or the candidate as you're searching so you know it's a veteran? Like, how do you think that's going to look?

Chad: Yeah. I don't know that they'll have to do that. I mean, yeah. There could be like a little flag, or something. Who the hell knows? I just think, much like this API went on board and nobody had to lift a finger. People are looking for better ways to surface veteran talent, right? If Google can do that ... And the first step is, obviously, getting it in to search. Then starting to pull the candidates through to understand the candidate background. Then, you can start the matching process.

Chad: We've already seen this happen in Hire by Google. Hire by Google, they have the matching piece, where it's actually surfacing candidates out of the applicant tracking system. These are the next steps in to making this happen much better. It's not only about search. It's about this AI matching piece, which I think Google is doing better at this point than most companies are.

Joel: So you want to know what I think the story is?

Chad: What?

Joel: I think this a big handjob to Donald Trump. Now, I don't ... Look, I'm not against helping vets, vets are the best, you're a vet, like, that's all good. But if you think a bunch of geeks in Google's engineering room said, "Let's create a feature to help vets find jobs." Like, I think that's a little bit of a reach. Now do I think the executives at Google said, okay, Trump's on our ass. We came out against the immigrant stuff. Early on, a year ago, Google, Apple, Facebook, all said, immigrants need to come in, what you're doing, making illegal is bad, it just came out that, obviously you've seen Trump is, Google's out to get me. If I search Trump news, it's all bad news outlets and people. So to me, part of this is like, okay, executives in Google, what can we do to make Trump happy or what can we at least do to make it look like we're doing things for the home team? Veterans was probably on the short list, and they figured out, okay, let's help them get jobs. Let's create searches that help them get those jobs. So we'll make Boeing happy. We'll make Northrop Grumman happy, we'll make D.C. employers happy who are looking for clearance people and people in the military. And this'll look good for the home team. I don't doubt that this is a good thing. I just think that it was partly politically motivated and to me that's the story of this whole new veteran search thing on Google, Google for jobs.

Chad: Yeah. I would think that there's always political motivation when you're a company as big as Google, but I don't believe that's the biggest reason why they did it. I mean they have veterans on their actual search team who were involved in this project at Google, so not to mention-

Joel: Sure. And they have Muslims on the team. Why didn't they create a religious search parameter or why didn't they create, or women or?

Chad: Companies are asking for these types of things. So like you said, Lockheed Martin or Raytheon or what have you. If they can make it easier for federal contractors on getting these veterans into their organization, then will they actually gravitate toward Google services? Well, hell yeah, they will. It just makes sense. They have a benchmark that they have to hit, or they have to at least demonstrate that they're trying to hit, for veteran hiring. This could be one of those ingredients in being able to get there, and again, it's all about the data. This is something that we haven't been able to solve yet. Google is all about data and again, I think if any of these AI companies that are out there really take this seriously, they can solve this and they can start to surface candidates into civilian jobs that are transitioning military.

Joel: Well, Google's all about AI, but google is also all about making money. They're a public company. They're looking to get into China. It makes sense for them to make nice. I think we're both right. I just think that our listeners would be cheated if all we said about this was, it's a cool new feature. Here's what it does, yippiekiyay motherfucker. I think we should also put in there, hey, this could be partly at least politically motivated to make Trump happy that Google's helping out the home team. That's all I'm going to say.

Chad: There's no way that this doesn't position Google better, right? There's no way that it doesn't, so yeah, it does make sense on all different fronts, but I do believe from a cash standpoint, from being able to engage these employers, with hire by Google or these APIs, it just makes a hell of a lot of good sense. It's nice, right. But the big story here is they were able to push these new capabilities out without any of these companies lifting a finger. The guys at CareerBuilder, who pretty much at this point should just put Google on the homepage, all they had to do was wake up and now they have a veteran search. It might not be the best veteran search right now, but it'll get better. They have a veteran search that is integrated into just their job search period. Monster doesn't have that, Indeed doesn't have that. Right out of the gate. So I think that is a big story versus just the veterans piece, right? It's the integration piece and the evolution piece that CareerBuilder is going to be able to enjoy, Jive's going to be able to enjoy, that some of these other organizations won't.

Joel: Fair enough. I think stroking the guy in the White House is a bigger story, but that's just me.

Joel: Moving on. Snag. You listeners will remember that Snag shit canned their CEO fairly recently, in exchange for a new CEO would help basically build up work and Elance and the whole freelance economy.

Chad: Fabio.

Joel: Fabio. Yes. News came out this week. They've now got a new COO and CXO, chief experience officer. You looked up these guys a little bit. I guess they're all homer's. They just kind of moved them up the ranks. What do you know about these guys?

Chad: This is what you would expect from a CEO right out of the gate is they're looking at responsibilities, roles and responsibilities. So both of these individuals were already C level anyway, right? Monroe, who is now the CX, or the chief experience officer also chief people officer under his umbrella as well. So that is being shifted away and they're really having Monroe focus on the experience. So product, customer experience, candidate experience, those types of things, right? So they're getting rid of this big human resource pain in the ass and I believe they're actually just shifting it over to John Frederick, who joined the team in January as a chief administrative officer or something like that. He's being shifted over to COO, which is again, this is all about shifting responsibilities and priorities. From my standpoint, it makes it a hell of a lot of good sense, but we'll see again how it shakes out. I mean, Fabio has a damn good track record. So you gotta give the guy some props right out of the gate.

Joel: Yeah. And usually when you see these new CEO, they either get rid of everybody and bring in their own team, or you see what we saw that with this case, is they start making nice with the people internally, moving them up. It definitely says to me the CEO was the problem, or at least everyone internally thought the CEO is the problem. And I also think that it's a vote of confidence for the vision of being a platform for hiring that we've talked about a few times. So I would expect to see a, the new app continue to move forward and spread across the country. I think I saw something in the news that they're looking into Canada and other parts of the world. So Snag, it looks like the vision is going forward. The people for the most part are the same folks. Just a new head of the snake if you will.

Joel: Recruitology.

Chad: We need an advert.

Joel: Oh, you want an advert first? You want to hear the British lady from JobAdX, don't you? All right.

JobAdX: How many times does someone said to you, we're the Uber of or it's the PayPal of, maybe better Facebook of. In many, many cases these comparisons full short of being close to reality or even a useful illustration of what organizations actually do. In the case of JobAdX, our example is so accurate, so spot on, that it's anonymous with our work. JobAdX is Google AdSense for jobs. That means we're an efficient, persistent and smarter ad unit for job related advertising. As the best ad tool in the industry, JobAdX offers recruitment marketing agencies, RPOs and staffing firms real time dynamic bidding and delivery for client postings through the industry's first truly responsive tool. All this is done with the flexibility of JobAdX's cost per impression, click or application. We offer unique budget conservation options to effectively eliminate spending waste. We're not set in regrets.

JobAdX: For direct clients, JobAdX delivers superior candidates with the best of programmatic efficiency and premium page ad positioning. We also provide publishers and job boards, higher rev share than other partners through our smarter programmatic platform. In many cases, 30-40 percent greater and more through our scalable model.

JobAdX: To partner with us, you can visit or search or email us at to get estimates. Or begin working together. JobAdX, the best ad tool providing smarter programmatics for your needs. Oh, and you've been wondering why the British accent? JobAdX has just launched in the UK, too.

Joel: So when we organize the podcast, Chad and I have a private Facebook group. We share stories, things we're interested in and then we make notes and we put notes in a system that we record the podcast and sometimes I get a little excited and I skip over stuff. So Chad. Chad, thanks for keeping me in line there.

Chad: Recruitology.

Joel: Recruitology, say that fast 10 times. So they're in the news recently. They have a product that basically helps newspapers. They power their job postings, right? So companies can go to your local newspaper website, click post a job, you post it. The transaction happens there, the job gets posted on the newspaper side as well as the whole network of Recruitology. This used to be a big thing, CareerBuilder, Monster, Hot Jobs, their newspaper partnerships were huge deals. Those have since gone away. None of those. Hot Jobs doesn't exist. Monsters out of the game and CareerBuilder gave it up about a year ago. So we have this sort of fragmented race to partner with newspapers and as most people know, newspaper business isn't great. They need to make money. So these ways to post jobs are important to them. They don't really have the wherewithal or the technology to do it themselves really well.

Joel: So anyway, Recruitology, Pandologic, who we've talked about, seem to be in the forefront. I'm surprised, or jobboardio, whatever we're calling it today, isn't more into this game because the newspaper business is really fragmented, but Recruitology took the pole position this week. They partnered with the Tribune out of Chicago. They got the LA Times, they have the San Diego, the Tribune paper. They've got some big names under the Tribune brand, which used to be Tronc, which I don't think we ever talked about Tronc changing back its name from being a horrible name, Tronc.

Joel: But anyway, big win for them in the newspaper space. I think if Google is going to take over the search thing, that if you're gonna get job exposure outside of Google, that these content partnerships are going to be really important. And back in the 2000s, partnering with media, local TV stations, associations, that was a big deal. And it faded away because everyone was into like, I'll just plug in the Indeed API or Simplyhired, and we'll make money on clicks. That's going away. So I think you're seeing this resurgence for a lot of different reasons, but Recruitology seems to be on the forefront. The leading edge of this race.

Chad: There really was this laziness that happened, this real malaise, I guess you could say, in being able to just plug in Indeed API and just let it go and get paid per click and the experience wasn't really a local community experience, just getting whisked off to another site. How personal is that, versus something like this. Now, will it be a big win? I don't know. It depends on how they execute on this. And again, as we talk about local news and newspapers, I mean they're on the rise because of whatever politically that's happening locally and nationally.

Chad: But there's more traction on local news and newspapers than there has been in many years. So being able to really just kind of springboard off of that is awesome. But you have to, you must keep it more of an intimate feel, because again, you're reading more of the community information, as opposed to just being whisked off to another site. So yeah, I think it could be a big one. I really do, because I think the content, there's so much content that is there that people are yearning for. They have to get, it's good content. They know it's not all this shit that's out on Facebook and whatnot, but it's also about targeting within that content, and knowing the person that you might have tagged to ensure that you're delivering the right type of job content to them. So there are some execution opportunities there for them, and hopefully it works out, because I'd love to be able to see this type of partnership actually work out.

Joel: Yeah. And the crack down on fake news. We're seeing Facebook give preferential treatment to legitimate news sources in their feed. I think that helps newspapers and the jobs that are on those sites. A quick history lesson. Once job boards locally and niche job boards realized, hey, I could get traffic on Google for free, I don't need a big sales force. I can just plug in Indeed's API, make money on the clicks, life is good. My overhead's low, I'm getting paid and then Google for jobs came along and killed all the traffic. So now companies and job boards are trying to figure out, okay, where do I make up that traffic? And these kinds of partnerships are one way to do that. So I think it's pretty interesting. We'll see longterm how the newspapers and how these things go. But for now I think it's a good move.

Chad: Yeah. It's all about execution though. I mean if it's the same old shit, just with a different lipstick on the same pig, man, it just doesn't fricking matter. You've got to focus on that user experience.

Joel: Yeah. And I think programmatic plays into this, having the ad run on different news outlets, having things in related articles and having jobs show up on that. I know Pando is doing, if you read something about nursing, they show nursing jobs next to that content. All that stuff makes sense. And, and the content makes it happen. Well, another good strategy, segwaying into our next topic, story came out by a hospital. Do you remember what it was? Community Health.

Chad: Yep, Community Health Network.

Joel: Network. So they released, there was a story that they're getting 83 percent of candidates respond to text messaging. Which is great. It's in line with what we've talked about. 95 percent open rates, 90 plus percent open within the first 15 seconds of receipt. And now we're getting job search numbers around 80 plus percent will actually respond. That's a huge number.

Chad: Oh god, yeah. And we're talking about nurses for the most case. But give props to Canvas because, they actually worked with Community Health Network. They had it rolled out in a limited basis in May of this year. By the end of June, they had 22 recruiters trained up and rolling and using the actual texting tool. Now they're talking about to date that they've contacted nearly a thousand individuals that are applicants, and that's where they've

gotten their 83% response rate. The coolest part about this is understanding that nurses are hard to find in the first place. They're usually on the go? How are you going to get in front of them? Well, obviously it just made sense to start to integrate texting, so recruiters can pre-load a set of screening questions, interview questions. They can send information like benefits, just whatever, man, FAQs, those types of things. But there's interaction, and they've got that person opening those texts. Again, it's very strange to me that texting isn't a staple in most of these systems, these texting platforms.

Joel: Yeah. Any marketing that you do, and recruiting is in there, it's taken how long until we actually start seeing text such and such on commercials to this number, right? That should've been something that was commonplace 10, 15 years ago. And it's just now starting to take hold. I mean, these numbers are legitimate. If you're sending in mails and emails that aren't getting answered, text is the way to get through. And Chad's right. If you're hiring people that are on the go, like nurses ... By the way, anyone under 25 pretty much lives on their phone now, so if you're not texting to recruit them, I think you're definitely at a disadvantage. To me, this is a big win for Canvas, Text Recruit, Emissary. I assume we'll start seeing more of these sort of text recruiting solutions pop up. But yeah, 83%. If you're not using text to recruit, contact one of those companies today and get started.

Chad: Yeah. And again, we are more of a mobile culture than we ever have been today. So really, what's the mechanism that you can use to ensure that you're actually getting your message or your jobs in front of these people? I think it's pretty damn clear at this point.

Joel: And for God sakes, don't call them. Nobody wants to talk to anybody anymore.

Chad: Do not call Joel Cheesman.

Joel: Don't call me.

Chad: He will not answer the fucking phone.

Joel: Listen to this ad from AJE instead.

AJE: America's Job Exchange is celebrating our 10th year as in industry leader in diversity recruitment and OFCCP compliance. We've been helping our 1000 plus customers comply with OFCCP regulations that directly support positive and effective diversity recruitment designed to attract and convert veterans, individuals with disabilities, women and minorities, and empower employers to pursue and track active outreach with their local community based organizations. Want to learn more? Call us at 866-926-6284 or visit us at

Chad: Get that compliance on.

Joel: That's right. Well, it's time for my favorite segment of the show.

Chad: Killing me.

Joel: Millennials.

Chad: Just so everybody knows, Joel has a toddler, so he has to hear this. He wants to put everybody through the same experience. It's not fair, and I say we put together a list, and I need signatures.

Joel: Hashtag Chad Cheese to quit the crying. All right. News out this week, this blows my mind. There's a company in Japan called Exit, who will quit for you if you don't want to go back to your job.

Chad: Stupidest shit ever.

Joel: We've entitled mealy mouthed millennials who can't suck it up and call their boss or go into work and say, "I'm resigning," can now contact this company, and for $450, have them quit for you.

Chad: Yes.

Joel: Now there are discounts. I love this. There are discounts for frequent customers. If you quit your job a lot, you can get discounts. And what is it? You get a $90 discount if you're a repeat customer. And if you're a part-time worker, it's only $360, so yeah. This is so ridiculous and so millennial. I can't stand it.

Chad: I don't understand. It says, "Stressed out, overworked, and just over it." Right? At that point, if you are stressed out, you're overworked and you're just over it, it is cathartic to say, "Take this job and shove it," or, "Hey. I'm getting the fuck out of here." Right? That, to me, relieves that stress. But yet, I guess that would be for a guy like me, who, I don't mind confrontation.

Joel: No shit.

Chad: But it blows my mind that you don't have the chutzpah just to look somebody in the eye and say, "Look. I just took another job. I appreciate it. Have a nice fucking day." It's hard. And it gets worse. It seems that Exit has tapped into a growing sector in Japan's economy. The Japan Times reports that several competitors have cropped up in this space, and also attracted investment offers from venture capital firms. Right? I mean, not only bad enough that there's one company that's popping up that's helping people quit, you have a bunch of these companies popping up for a bunch of weak ass, okay, I'm going to say it, millennials, who can't look their boss in the eye, give them a piece of paper and say, "I resign." I mean, that's all it is.

Joel: It is better than ghosting though.

Chad: Yes. Yeah.

Joel: It's still weak. It's seriously weak still. But it is better than just ghosting an employer. And by the way, if you're an employer who gets a call from another company telling us that someone is quitting, please contact us. We want to know more.

Chad: Yeah. And just remember, back in the day, the Take This Job and Shove It by Johnny Paycheck, I mean, that was something that was celebrated, when you could tell your boss to take the job and shove it. These guys are not. They're whining in the fucking corner. It's crazy.

Joel: Mm-hmm (affirmative). You just aged yourself. But that's all good, because we're the same age. Keeping on with the millennial trend, although you disagree with me a little bit on this one. A company called Helpr, keeping with the Flickr trend, there's no E before the R, so it's H-E-L-P-R, helps companies provide daycare for their workers. Now to me, this is a total millennial play. This is just like the company that gave young folks who were having children, this space age crib that basically rocked your kid for you, gave it its bottle for you, and talked to it for you. I'm being a little bit facetious, but you get the point. This whole like, baby this generation, give them childcare, give them cribs, give them time, whatever that they need to go yoga or whatever the hell they do. To me, this is coddling. It's a business, in fairness to them, taking advantage of this. But to me, this is another millennial business that I hate.

Chad: Okay. This story's wrapped in millennial, which is bullshit, and I don't agree at all with what you just said, especially when it comes to the fucking crib thing. One of the things that we've seen, even Xers and boomers, all the way through, is a female gets what they call mommy tracked. Have you ever heard of that, getting mommy tracked, where when you have a baby, what happens? You are off and maybe you're raising that baby. And therefore, you have to put your career on hold. Now in many cases, the reason why the female feels like she has to stay home, because number one, she's mommy. Number two, they can't afford to pay for possible daycare. And even in this Fast Company article, says, "A Pew study found that 54% of households with two working parents, the mother still does more when it comes to children," and that comes to, obviously, child care.

Chad: I think you're 100% wrong, and I think Fast Company wrapping this in a millennial package is bullshit. This has been a problem we have had for decades. Females are getting mommy tracked because they're having babies. And guess what. This is just showing that it's happening to day too. To be able to actually offer ... And as we talk about inclusivity, as we talk about being able to bring more females into different areas like engineering and things like that, these are the types of things that we need to do to be able to help them do that so that they don't get "mommy tracked."

Joel: Did your mom work?

Chad: My mom did work.

Joel: Did your dad work?

Chad: My dad did work. They were divorced when I was eight.

Joel: What'd they do with you? What's they do your dumb ass?

Chad: Luckily, we had family to be able to pick up the gaps. But it wasn't easy. Not to mention, we were also latchkey kids. Remember latchkey kids?

Joel: I was one of them.

Chad: I know.

Joel: We turned out okay. Didn't we? I didn't need some corporate nanny to raise me.

Chad: I mean, my mom took time off when I was a baby. There's no question. Was she mommy tracked? I don't know. We haven't had this discussion. Maybe I should. But it's real. It is real. Nobody said that you needed somebody to raise you, but throwing you in a cage with a bottle until mom comes home isn't an option either. Right?

Joel: We had a couple wolves in my neighborhood, and my mom just threw me to them and they raised me. And I turned out just fine. Go on to the next story, damn it. This podcast is going on too long. A bizarre story out of Amazon world, reported by TechCrunch, there's a strange little online community. Quoted from the story, "Amazon has developed an unnerving Step ford like presence on Twitter in the form of several accounts of definitely real on the floor workers, who regurgitate talking points and assure the world that all is right in the company's infamously punishing warehouse jobs." What do you make of this shit?

Chad: This is a response to the stories of Amazon employees skipping bathroom breaks or peeing in trash cans because it's faster than going to the bathroom because they don't want to be able to miss their quotas, and prospectively get fired, fitting employees with tracking wristlets that they were testing in the UK, I mean, just poor working conditions overall. I mean, go out to Google. Look for Amazon warehouse poor working conditions. Or do a search. You'll see they're all over the place. This, there's no question, is really a response to that. And they're trying to play the human troll farm, I guess you could say, internal troll farm, to be able to try to combat this. It's bullshit. It's the same regurgitating stuff from different people.

Joel: I'd love to see how they're logistically doing this. Are they emailing folks and saying, "Copy and paste one of the following and tweet it out"? Are they making the accounts from the employees? Are they setting them up for the employees and then controlling them? This is really intriguing to me.

Chad: Yeah. Are they plugging them into something like a TweetDeck, and they have all these tweets already ready to fire out? I don't know. But the tweets are way too similar not to say that they're aren't, they aren't just pushing out standardized bullshit.

Joel: Yeah. There's no doubt this is ... If you want, can I read one of the tweets?

Chad: Yeah.

Joel: Okay. Hello, exclamation point, which is always sort of a giveaway, I work in an Amazon FC in WA, and our wages and benefits are very good. Amazon plays FC employees roughly 30% more than traditional retail stores and offers full medical benefits from day one. Working conditions are very good, clean/well lit. Safety is a top priority at my facility. Number one, no one actually tweets like that, and it just reeks of corporate manipulation. And the good news is the internet will uncover this stuff. It will call you out on it, and you'll get in trouble, just like Amazon is. So yeah, don't mess with the brand because if it's fabricated, people will notice.

Chad: The problem is, now they're going to get smarter. They're going to chunk this up and make it more kind of personalized continue to do the same trolling bullshit.

Joel: Yeah. I mean, they'll AI it. They'll make scripts automatically that sound like humans. They'll partner with Google Duplex to tweet actual sounding people tweets to mass produce these things. And some vendor will make this a product and sell it to companies to make zombie tweets of employees tweeting out about how great it is to work at the company. This will be a thing.

Chad: Okay. I'm done.

Joel: We out?

Chad: We out.

Tristen: Hi. I'm Tristen. Thanks for listening to my step-dad, Chad, and his goofy friend Cheese. You've been listening to the Chad and Cheese Podcast. Make sure you subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts, so you don't miss out on all the knowledge dropping that's happening up in here. They made me say that. The most important part is to check out our sponsors because I need new track spikes, you know, the expensive shiny gold pair that are extra because, well, I'm extra. For more, visit

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