New unemployment claims in the U.S. fell below one million for the first time since March, so let the good times roll, right? Not so fast, as the boys dig into:
CEOs help with inequalities - Chad calls bullshit
and out-of-work prostitutes in Prague (thanks a lot, technology).
Intro (1s):
Hide your kids! Lock the doors! You're listening to HRS most dangerous podcast. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman are here to punch the recruiting industry, right where it hurts! Complete with breaking news, brash opinion and loads of snark, buckle up boys and girls, it's time for the Chad and Cheese podcast.
Joel (9s):
All right. All right. All right. New unemployment claims fell below 1 million for the first time since March. Let the good times roll baby. What's up kids? Welcome to the Chad and Cheese podcast. I'm your co-host Joel "bubble-boy" Cheesman.
Chad (38s):
And I'm Chad "Rochambeau" Sowash.
0 (41s):
And on this week, show Google takes aim, again, at LinkedIn. Uber and Lyft are not going back to Cali, Cali, Cali and McDonald's ex-CEO is caught dipping his McNuggets in the company barbecue sauce. Da da da ta ta ...
Chad (58s):
Not loving it.
Joel (1m 1s):
We'll be right back.
JobVite Promo (1m 3s):
This summer, Jobvite wants you, you and you! To join hundreds, thousands, millions! Okay? Maybe just thousands of recruiters, HR, and talent acquisition professionals for a summer you won't soon forget! It's Jobvite's Summer To Evolve. The Summer To Evolve is a 12 week series of free content to help recruiters brush up on their skills. Learn from industry thought leaders.
JobVite Promo (1m 40s):
And see how technology can help them improve, automate, and evolve their recruiting efforts. There will be a chance to share tips and ideas with your peers. And we may even have some surprises for you along the way. I love surprises. So visit the to register for the summer toolbox sessions that suit your needs, peak your interest or float your boat. If you're just starting June 16th, it's the summer to evolve the way you attract, engage, hire, onboard, and retain talent, Jobvite recruit with purpose, hire with confidence.
Chad (1m 40s):
That's a good time right there.
Joel (1m 43s):
That is a good time. You you've done yours, right?
Chad (1m 47s):
I have done mine. It was a, it was good. It was a good time had by all. I think.
Joel (1m 55s):
Mine is Wednesday of next week or this week, depending on when you're listening to the show,
Chad (2m 5s):
Summer to CheeseVolve.
Joel (2m 6s):
Cheesevolve. Summer. I thought, I thought it was summer of love. And then I read closely and it said summer, I probably wouldn't have committed to the, to the gig, but whatever.
Chad (2m 17s):
Oh shit, dude. So, Oh, we a couple of weeks ago actually socially distanced at, at your place, which was, which was nice. We actually got a chance to see each other, got to see the little rug rat run around all over the place, man.
Chad (2m 50s):
He's a machine.
Joel (2m 52s):
He is a nuclear powered, little human. It wears my shit out, dude. There's a reason why young people have kids. Yeah. And speaking of Kids, shout out to your daughter, starting school at Indiana state home of the sycamores and Larry Bird. For those who don't know either two of the first things I said,
Chad (3m 10s):
Dude, it's, it's hard right now. Ema and Kennedy are both in school. Ema's at Indiana State and Kennedy's at Ohio Northern man. I really don't know what to think as, as a dad and as a protector, as somebody who wants to have everybody safe, I did not want to let them go. And, and I hope that we did the right thing in allowing them to go to school. But we did go to school that everybody was wearing masks. Hell, they gave her two masks, even though she went with 20, it was an interesting setup.
Chad (3m 41s):
And they're actually moving in over a week's time frame. So it's not everybody, you know, everybody come in at once. It took them a week.
Joel (3m 50s):
So what is it like Lord of the Flies of your house now that you're empty nesters? Are you like running around the house naked and scaring the neighbors?
Chad (3m 57s):
Yeah! I don't need clothes on anymore.
Joel (4m 0s):
Yikes. That's a whole other podcast
Chad (4m 4s):
That being said, I've got to say that I feel, I feel a little dirty after last year.
Joel (4m 10s):
Yeah. We kind of cheated on each other and if I can speak freely, I felt titillated and excited at first. And then, and then towards the end I felt kind of dirty and guilty about it. So I don't know how you feel, but, but what, what started out exciting with some exotic Australian turned a little bit turned a little bit dirty for me. And I'm glad to be back on my regularly scheduled podcast.
Chad (4m 34s):
The TA-Pod, TaPod had a couple of hairy men on them and I was lucky enough to have a Lauren Sharp. So it was a good time. There's no question, but I tell you what it's, it's interesting. They don't talk about tech as much as we do. And we interweave tech into workforce and economics and all that other fun stuff. So it was, it was somewhat constrained around the tech side.
Joel (4m 59s):
Yep. So we, we may rehash a few items from last week before we get down to the, to the new shows. But yeah, I agree. We, the most interesting part of my conversation was when we stopped recording and he started telling me about like all the fucking poisonous critters that live in Australia and which he has been bitten by, stung by and, and almost killed by. So yeah, Australia is a fucked up place.
Chad (5m 26s):
That's where all the Pokemon,
Joel (5m 27s):
Yeah, we have 800,000 poisonous spiders and some of them live in the house with you. I'm like, what the fuck is that about? So yeah,
Chad (5m 35s):
it sounds like you need, Terminix
Joel (5m 37s):
He says there's this spider that's as big as a transplant. And it just hangs out in the corner of her house and I'm like, don't you kill it? Don't you get out the vacuum cleaner, like suck it up. And he's like, no, mate. You know, they kill flies and bugs and shit... Like I've lived in Arizona and Australia scares me well today. Do you know what today is a third day of Kamila being the vice presidential candidate.
Chad (5m 59s):
Is it the third day? That's awesome! But it is Black Women's Equal Pay Day. So pretty much in line. Yeah, pretty much in line. And, and to be able to bring this, this topic up, I thought it was important for a couple of white dudes to be able to shout out a black woman makes about 62 cents on the dollar compared to a, a white dude. The US DOL the US DOL data from 2017, cause they're lagging on average, a white dude makes about $60,388 per year.
Chad (6m 36s):
And a black female makes $36,735.
Audience (-):
Chad (6m 43s):
And then, and then just comparing that. So $36,735 against a white female, which is $46,513. So a white female almost makes $10,000 more a year. And they are severely below the white dude as well. So I think we need to have more than a day to be able to focus on this topic. But yes, today is Black Women's Equal Pay Day.
Joel (7m 9s):
Yeah. I love a Chris Rock's joke about why is black history month, February, which by the way, is the shortest month of the year. That's yeah, kind of reminds me of what you just said. There are we doing shout outs? Is that what we're in? Are we in shout outs now?
Chad (-):
Sure why not?
Joel (7m 24s):
Shout outs. Let's do some of that. Shout out. I'm going, gonna shout out first to Lars Schmidt, a friend of the show introduced us in London last year, did a few shots with us. So we love Lars. So he's launching a myriad of things. His podcast is being rebranded, "Redefining HR". He's released a book called Redefining HR. And he has, I think a video series Redefining HR. So if you, if you're into that kind of thing and we know our listeners are, go check out Lars, he's doing good stuff,
Chad (7m 59s):
Yeah, he's a good dude. You and him were doing shots while I had like the shark attack of people who want to tee shirts that were just swarming the stage. I remember that.
Joel (8m 8s):
Yeah. We were clearly winning, winning on that one.
Chad (8m 12s):
Shout out to Denise van der Lans over in Amsterdam, who is a partner with You know, I really wish I could travel to Amsterdam. It's been so goddamn long since we've traveled. I mean, I'm getting, I'm getting fucking cabin fever. I don't know about you
Joel (8m 31s):
Getting antsy. Shout out to a couple of hip ladies that we know Carrie Corbin and Amanda Thompson have started a new agency called the Hope, Hope Lee marketing group, that dropped today. If you're looking for employment, branding, shit, go check them out.
Chad (8m 48s):
They kinda know some shit
Joel (8m 49s):
They've been around. Not that they're old.
Chad (8m 51s):
No, not at all. They, they started when they were six!, A shout out to Bruce Reed and Mark Gandy from the CFO Bookshelf Podcast. We really appreciate them sending us bourbon. Cause you know, we like that. And having us on their show, Bruce is the CFO over at Practice Link and has been a fan for a while. Thanks Bruce and Ken Allman. Of course, who was one of our very first cult following kind of guys. So a big shout out to Bruce Mark and you know, just that this just shout out just because we love Ken.
Joel (9m 27s):
We do, we definitely love Ken and miss him as well. Hell, I'd be up for West Virginia traveling at this point.
Chad (9m 32s):
Oh yeah. Little plane.
Joel (9m 34s):
Shout out to Crunchbase diversity spotlight. We, we quote Crunchbase quite a bit on the show. They track money that companies have garnered, but they, they have a lot of data at the site and they launched Diversity Spotlight. For those who want to connect with companies, either for investment or jobs, just go out and fill in your company info with whether you have a CEO of diverse background, or if you have any special benefits of the company specific or news that you have around diversity, a shout out to Crunchbase for getting on the diversity train.
Chad (10m 8s):
Nice. I really appreciate people like Travis McEwen over in Spokane, Washington who share stories and insights. We have many who do that in several different ways on LinkedIn, on Facebook, on Twitter, email, text. But it's really cool when you can hear what's happening in their world and what it ties into the, the, the bigger picture. So if you haven't and you're a listener feel free to connect with us on LinkedIn Chad or Joel Twitter, Chad and Cheese, Facebook page, wherever you might be able to find our dumb asses.
Joel (10m 43s):
Shout out to Skender. Yeah, it sounds like a porn site, but it's not S K E N D E R. We got a laugh out of them for pimping ads on social media, about being one of the best places to work in Chicago. But then under news from that was mass layoffs. And by the way, there are no job postings on their website. So it might be time to reinvestigate your ad strategy.
Chad (11m 6s):
Dude, conserve your ammo. You keep that shit ready for when you can use it, right. You don't just fire off just because you can fire off. That's a premature ejaculation right there. Skender, no, that's not what we do around here. A big shout out to Collin Parker listening in Seattle. I'm sure he's glad I'm mentioning his name after premature ejaculation. He's the VP of Marketing over at Crelate. We know those guys who just, he just came back into the industry and he's using our shows.
Chad (11m 39s):
I'm getting teared up here to get back up to speed while forcing the rest of his marketing department to listen to the Chad and Cheese as well. That's a big applause.
Joel (11m 49s):
Forcing his marketing department. Come on now. You know, they were already listening to our show.
4 (11m 54s):
I don't think we have enough forced listening happening or I don't know, maybe we do. I mean, remember Jen, I mean, Jenn Terry Tharp, who was on a couple of weeks ago, she was 23 years at AT&T. And she said, while she was there, we were mandatory listening. So I guess mandatory sounds better than forced. Let's use that from now on.
Joel (12m 16s):
And we go great with day drinking, by the way, people, our show goes great with day drinking. We did a shout out to Clarence Jobs. DHI who owns Dice e-Financial Careers and Clearance Jobs reported quarterly earnings last week and while Dice and E financial careers are losing money. Year over year clearance jobs is up 18.2%. And by the way, I'll pimp our podcast with the Clearance Jobs CEO. If you haven't listened to that, I encourage you to go to, search that out and take a listen.
Chad (12m 50s):
Yeah, how's it feel to have that anchor around your neck Clearance Jobs? Jesus' Flex Jobs going into another one. Okay. So Flex Jobs and this is going to be your favorite. It feels a lot like the ladders, although the opportunity to screw more than just the rich people. So it's Flex Jobs we screw more than just people who make over six figures. They quote themselves as the leading most trusted job service in the flexible work field.
Chad (13m 22s):
How the fuck do you know that? I have no fucking clue how you know that.
Joel (13m 25s):
It's a mystery
Chad (13m 26s):
We offer to help our members find great jobs for only get ready, $6.95 a month, come the fuck on people. We're in a pandemic. People who don't have jobs need jobs and Flex jobs, much like the fucking ladders is pimping jobs, which are already publicly available. And in there pimping them as special, right. And charging for them. I mean, it's just this kind of shit. People, you got to look into your black soul. Okay. And you got to understand, this is the bullshit that we can't have in this fucking industry.
Chad (14m 0s):
This is just, this is wrong. So Flex Jobs, you get a big thumbs up
Joel (14m 5s):
Online employment, dead inside since 1998. Got a love it. Shout out to the big 12 in light of the big 10 and pack 12 tier by us announcing that there'll be no spring or fall football. Big 12 says, hold my beer, you pussies. We're going to play football. I suspect the SCC will soon follow suit. So it looks like there will be a COVID tastic football season in some parts of the country.
Chad (14m 32s):
Yeah. That's going to be a fucking mass. That's all I gotta say. Sorry. I gotta say the basketball NBA is, is, is really fun. I think the whole bubble method is kicking ass and taking names versus major Baseball. Who's they've they've relayed, screwed the pooch, so, okay.
Joel (14m 50s):
And hockey hockey has a good job too.
Chad (14m 52s):
Yep. Yep. Good point. Good point.
Joel (14m 55s):
I was going to shout out toward the Russian vaccine, but we can, I just did that. I guess also Jerry Collier, we interviewed for Hourly
Chad (15m 5s):
Oh, Jerry
Joel (15m 6s):
Firing squad, which we always love to do if you haven't listen to that, check it out. And like I said earlier, I'm going to be featured on a JobVite webinar, this coming Wednesday. So go to if you want to learn more
Chad (15m 19s):
So in August, August 27th, we're in August. Yeah. Fuck God damn it. August 27th at 2:00 PM. Eastern it's a recruitment hackers event. It's optimizing recruitment for a remote workforce. Again, Jenn Terry Tharp. She's going to be speaking. I'm going to be corralling everyone for a panel discussion about benefits of a remote working, bigger talent pools, increased job accessibility, better candidates, yada yada, yada.
Chad (15m 51s):
If you want to learn more, go to recruitment,,,, register. You're gonna love it. Another HR hackathon is happening in November as well. We'll talk more about that. Ava. Zillow's nonstop.
Joel (16m 12s):
Is that the video chick?
Chad (16m 14s):
Yes. She's, she's all about the video.
Joel (16m 17s):
I love the German with English transcription or close caption
Chad (16m 20s):
German who lives right across the border in France. So yes. And hopefully she'll be doing some of those more of those videos with the Chad and cheese t-shirt on.
Joel (16m 30s):
Yeah, that was, that was dope
Chad (16m 32s):
Joel (16m 33s):
All right, let's get to it, News.
Chad (16m 36s):
Okay. So before we hit our first topic, you weren't around last week. So I didn't get to hear what you thought about the Indeed acquisition of ZAPinfo. What are your thoughts? What I had heard from one of my sources, was the dollar amount was super "small", in quotes. So, you know, to me, you know, Doug is really good about seeing around corners and looking into the future. And I think that I spoke to him a year or two ago at Source Con in regards to GDPR and how they were going to sort of evolve or pivot the company in light of sort of new privacy laws.
Chad (17m 15s):
And Doug didn't have the best answer, which he usually does, which kind of made me think like he's probably at a crossroads with this company. He obviously is a sales guy. He knows everyone. I think that he realized the future was going to be challenged, for a company like his. So we called Indeed, Indeed, you know, grab some money out of the, out of the couch, cushions took the technology. It looks like they're going to integrate it into their own site. So there won't be any privacy issues and users of Indeed will be able to manage their resumes and take data from their, from their resume database and put it a management system,
Joel (17m 51s):
Which is fine. I also think that, you know, Doug is an idea guy, so it wouldn't, it wouldn't surprise me if in light of sort of privacy laws, he has another idea up his sleeve and he said, I got to kind of get rid of this one so I can focus on maybe this bigger, better idea that I have over here. So that was my takeaway. I think good for him. You know, it's a, it's a big company, a big brand by buying his business. But I mean, there, there wasn't any announcement by Indeed. As far as I know, there was nothing on their blog about acquiring ZAP. It was all ZAP that was promoting it.
Joel (18m 22s):
So I think it was really small fries for, for Indeed not a big deal, a duck and move on and save face with investors and the industry. And we'll see what he does next.
Chad (18m 32s):
Joel (18m 32s):
After six months in Fiji, he can travel in Fiji
Chad (18m 35s):
Smart move for Doug in indeed being able to utilize that technology for their just their own platforms. Not, you know, not a bad move. I don't know what the cost was, but overall, you know, they got money to fucking burn. So why not?
Joel (18m 51s):
And there was no announcement of, you know, Doug joins Indeed as such and so I think he's, he's going to wipe, you know, wash his hands and move on. Yep. Yep.
Chad (19m 0s):
I don't think he's going to do anything but help a quick transition, hit that fucking eject button, which is wonderful. Especially if you are a CEO of an organization and you have to stick around for a year, a year and a half or two years, while you watch this big monstrous company fuck up your shit. Nobody wants that. So good for him. He gets, he gets to turn around and get the fuck out before they start screwing his shit up.
Joel (19m 26s):
Moving on to newer news, Google Cards. So a little historical context here. Google, Google hates that they lost social to Facebook. They launched Google Plus 10 or so years ago, it sucked no one used it and they've closed it down. They're not gonna give up on this game. They lost out bidding to Microsoft on LinkedIn to the tune of $26 billion. And I think they've they've for the last five to 10 years have wanted to do something in this game, this human directory, this people business in some way of getting information.
Joel (20m 4s):
So we kinda thought, or I thought, Hire by Google might be a way to collect data, get those people in database. I certainly pounded the table on the one click apply that I thought would be, you know, going to ATSs around the world, which make, would put profiles into Google. Well, they've shut that down. So that's not gonna happen. But we got word from TechCrunch this week that in India, Google is launching Google Cards, which is basically like a little business card that you can put on Google when people search your name.
Joel (20m 37s):
According to the release, a lot of people in India searched their name. I doubt India is exclusive to that. I'm sure a lot of people and a lot of places are searching their name on Google to see comes up. And when you do that, now you'll get a, a little thing that says, add your card or add your bio. It auto defaults your picture. That's already in Google, your name, everything. You can put personal information, but more importantly for our discussion work information, contact information, social media channels, et cetera.
Joel (21m 8s):
It makes sense that Google would use their search engine, as opposed to just launching something new like Google Plus, this worked really well for YouTube. When they started putting YouTube videos, putting news in there, weather and everything. Things tend to tend to integrate better when they just throw it into Google. So now when you search Chad Sowash, you see a Chad Sowash card with your picture. I can get your information if you want, then that's great. We'll see if they let me connect with you. We'll see if they let me contact you for jobs or whatever, but for now this looks like Google's latest attempt to compete with LinkedIn.
Chad (21m 46s):
It just looks like search. It doesn't look like a, an actual community. So, you know, adding yourself in a different way to search is I think where, what they're going after here, they want more contents. They want obviously people to be able to find you, if that's what you want and it's search. But I don't, I don't know that this is going to turn into a social network, but I do believe on the other hand, being able to utilize their search, it will turn into a great opportunity and an open system for individuals to find developers, to find salespeople in, you know, in Mumbai or in this case, you know, let's say for instance, in Boston, if, if it rolls out globally.
Chad (22m 35s):
So I think being able to out pivot a social network and just using the power of the largest fucking monopolized search engine in the world is not a bad move.
Joel (22m 49s):
Yeah. I mean, I think it's ultimately going to be a directory of people and you know, my question will be is, you know, how do they, how do they, you know, what do they do about John Smith, right? Or somewhere there's like hundreds of thousands of people named John Smith. My guess is because you, if you've emailed a John Smith or you're connected to John Smith in some way, they'll algorithmically show you that John Smith, because you've emailed him before or he's in your company. So, so it's, it's going to be an interesting problem of how you organize all of these.
Joel (23m 20s):
If they become as popular as they hope as Google hopes it does. But I'm not going to say it's going to be huge. I'm not going to say it's going to fail. Like Google has a reputation of ditching stuff pretty quickly. So until they launched this thing in the US I'm going to say, it's a test at this point.
Chad (23m 37s):
Yeah. Well, and I also noticed that they're really focusing on influencers, which is smart. If you think of Instagram or Twitter, and those influencers want to be out there and they want to be on these, on these big engines, they want to be on these big networks. If that happens, obviously they're going to bring their cult, their cult crowd with them, their following with them and everybody's going to want to do that. So I, you know, there's a, there's a pretty good strategy. And I think from an organic standpoint, you could grow this pretty quickly because most of your information is probably already there.
Chad (24m 11s):
And then later, you know, possibly add, like you'd said, the categorization tools into it, because if the, if the data's there being able to connect it, you know, who knows? We'll see
Joel (24m 21s):
Yeah. It, it, it is very interesting. I'm going to watch it carefully and it'll probably be a story as we head into 2021, that'll be much bigger and something we talk about quite a bit. So listeners, I hope you're ready for Google Cards to be a hot topic,
Chad (24m 35s):
But w and unfortunately in 2021, we will be talking about COVID, the shit's not going away. I don't think that we're going to have any type of Russian antidote and, or, you know, Smirnoff to, to, to throw into our veins. But a company in Boston called Brio Systems is a, a technology company offering a complete COVID-19 testing system for the workplace. They raised 1.9 million in seed funding led by CEO, Boris Lipchin.
Chad (25m 11s):
Okay. So quick, quick aside, have you seen this cat's resume?
Joel (25m 14s):
Chad (25m 15s):
Okay. So Carnegie Mellon for engineering, he was at Space X as an avionics software engineer for Guidance and Control for five years, spent some time at MIT intern at MITRE and Google. Anyways, back back to what we were talking about.
Joel (25m 30s):
So he's a dummy, he's a dummy is what you're saying.
Chad (25m 32s):
So Boris Lipchin, Brio Systems provides a platform for employers to navigate the complexities of workplace safety and reopening amid the pandemic. The platform enables employers to respond quickly to understand infections among employees, contain potential outbreaks measure previous exposure, safely maintain business operations, and the big thing return people to work. Yes. Yes. I'm surprised that they only got 1.9 million to be quite Frank.
Joel (26m 5s):
It's seed funding. Let's wait for the series a to come down. I get it. But still, as far as I know, we haven't, we haven't quite figured out testing in general, let alone testing and specific places like, like work workspaces. The other thing that caught me sort of really let me, let me buy into this idea is the fact that apparently every survey I say talks about only 50% of Americans are actually going to even take a fucking vaccine.
Chad (26m 34s):
Joel (26m 34s):
What's the fucking point. If only half of us are going to take it, like we're, a lot of us are going to be sick. And I also did hear that in the news. I think today, I heard that a few people who had had COVID months ago, habit again. So apparently the, the antibodies that you create in your own, in your own body, don't fend it off for very long, like most viruses. So, yes, I agree. This is going to be a thing. It's not going to be like, Oh, you've had it, you're done. Or you have a vaccine and we're finished. I mean, it may be something where we have to get vaccinated every quarter or every six months we have to go in and get a shot.
Joel (27m 10s):
So this is a huge, huge opportunity for businesses like this. And I suspect there will be more to protect people in the workplace around testing, and these guys are on the forefront. So definitely one to watch Brio system.
Chad (27m 25s):
Three off is that we have to, at least here in the United States lose 165,000 to death before companies takeover. Right? And that's, that's when the opportunity happens, right? When you have mass chaos like this, because the government didn't fucking act and they didn't jumpstart the engines to get this taken care of. Yes. Now companies are going to have the opportunity to profit off, of this fucking chaos. And, you know, am I saying, it's a bad thing.
Chad (27m 56s):
I'm not saying it's a bad thing for the companies, because somebody has to fucking do it since our government is not protecting the people. And this is, I mean, this is one of the most fucking frustrating things for, I think, any country, but mainly America, because of the way that we have missed managed this entirely not to mention we've, I've also seen, have no clue where the fuck this is out of, where people are talking about, watch the vaccination, because we're going to get microchips implanted when the vaccinations are.
Chad (28m 32s):
I mean, this conspiracy theories are fucking over, over stupid people, everywhere. Rednecks across the nation are going fucking crazy because they think they're going to get fucking geo tracked or something.
Joel (28m 44s):
Yeah. Geo tracked and QR codes tattooed on my ass. I'm ready for that. Ready for that. More kind of startup news, investment news. This one out of China company called MOKA. And that's not like the coffee that I enjoy complete with chocolate and whipped cream. Chad, just in case you curious, not, not MOCHA it's M O K A, and this is HR tool for automation, for HR and large enterprise companies out of China.
Joel (29m 15s):
They just raised 27, 27 million in series B totaling 43.2 million. To me, this was intriguing in light of sort of the whole TikTok phenomenon. So I have, I have two questions here that, that, that I find intriguing from this, this investment. We don't talk much about companies in our space getting money for their, for investment investment dollars flowing into this space. So for me, you know, China is, is kind of over their consumer. They've sort of hit a ceiling with the consumer sites, right?
Joel (29m 47s):
That you have the search engine thing, the social media thing, they're doing their social, their Facebook competitor, Snap, whatever Tik Tok blowing up. So there's going to be a ton of opportunity in the B2B space. And I think you're going to see a lot of innovation coming out of China in the next five years. And I think we talk a lot about that as well. I'm curious to see if a lot of these will be copycats of American companies and other companies similar to China's strategy in the past with search engines, social media, et cetera.
Chad (-):
You know it.
Joel (30m 21s):
So how does that play in do American companies use Chinese HR tech in light of Tik Tok, or do they shy away from it? Does any of this shit get banned? Is there a security risk to have, you know, MOKA is your HR systems if you're in the U S? I think there are a lot of questions here, but a lot of innovation in, regardless with a billion and a half people is going to be coming out of China. I think we'll be talking more and more about it. My hope is that it'll be innovative stuff that we're not just rehashing what we've already done, but time will tell but what we do know is that money is starting to flow into these businesses.
Chad (30m 56s):
It's going to be interesting for multinational corporations because these companies, again, especially in China, are going to be able to, I believe, own their country. They're going to be able to push out a lot of other tech, period. So you're going to see a lot of that happening, again, back to the kind of like China versus companies thing that you and I argue about. You know, China, China replicates a lot of shit. They copy a lot of shit. So does Facebook. Right?
Joel (31m 25s):
Chad (31m 25s):
So, yeah, I think, I think we're going to see some big differentiations, not in just how we look at countries, but how we look at huge companies because they're actually acting in they're mimicking really the bad play.
Joel (31m 39s):
It'll also be interesting from my perspective, to see what companies in our space invest in these companies like do we start seeing recruit holdings invest into Chinese companies, while owning Indeed and Glassdoor and other multinationals. So it'll be an interesting story to talk about. We still have yet, however, to get a ChaD and Cheese Podcast copycat. So apparently our innovations sucks, but whose innovation does not suck is our next sponsor. Sovereign
Sovren Parser (32m 8s):
Sovren Parser is the most accurate resume and job order intake technology in the industry, the more accurate your data, the better decisions you can make. Find out more about our suite of products today by visiting, that's S O V R E We provide technology that thinks, communicates and collaborates like a human. Sovren software. So human you'll want to take it to dinner.
Joel (32m 36s):
So our next story, so top CEOs pledged to a hundred thousand low income and minority New Yorkers.
Chad (32m 43s):
Joel (32m 44s):
When I read this, I thought Chad is gonna kill this. He's going to hate it. Do you hate it?
Chad (32m 49s):
I don't hate any of the, the actual ideas. The problem is the, the execution, what we've seen over the year. So New York has, they have like 16% in New York State unemployment and 20% in the city, right? There's an issue. Now this is an issue that could have been combated already if companies would have started thinking about this before, and we should have, we know that we have gaps already.
Chad (33m 19s):
Those gaps are skills gaps, right? And they're not all gaps where you need to go to a four year college or two year degree, or what have you. And companies know this. They know exactly what they need, but yet they sit back. And what I like to call corporate welfare, wait for the government to spend a shit ton of money to give them a solution. And that's just total bullshit. So now top CEOs are pledging to XYZ and it's like, guys, Jamie Diamond, rich motherfucker, CEO of JP Morgan, chase, and 26 other executives want to get up on a fucking soap box and say how they're going to help low income and minorities.
Chad (34m 4s):
And all I have to say is I will believe it when I see it. And I'm not saying just doing it for, you know, this, this wonderful cut, the ribbon kind of parade, ticker tape parade, bullshit. I'm talking about long term strategies to help Americans get out of poverty, to help Americans get past fucking middle management or shit, help them get into middle management for God's sakes. So overall, I hope something actually happens because the black, Latin, next Asian communities, I mean, not just in New York, but across the United States, we need something to be able to inject skills into our own fucking people.
Joel (34m 50s):
Yup. Yup. I'm surprised you didn't mention your, your good buddy, Jeff Bezos. Amazon is all on this list as well. Yeah. I don't want to ruin your weekend for the, for the 10th weekend in a row, the, the program will target black, Latin, X, and Asian workers, and seeks to hire based more on skills than cause degrees, focusing on entry-level tech jobs, such as computer programming. You mentioned Jamie Diamond. He said, quote, "many New Yorkers are stuck in low paying jobs that could be lost in the future, or are struggling to navigate the labor market.
Joel (35m 22s):
We are using our collective power to prepare the city's workforce with the skills of the future and helping New Yorkers who have been left behind, get a foot in the door" end quote. I was surprised to not hear you cynically say that these companies are doing this out of necessity because as fewer white people inhabit this country, these companies in New York and elsewhere need more customers. So I feel like a lot of this might be out of just self-interest to say, look, our buyers are going to change what, you know, what they look like is changing, we need to make sure that we empower that demographic because that is our future.
Chad (35m 59s):
But we've been saying this for over a decade now, and shit still hasn't changed. And that was the same exact position, all of those companies were in back then too. So yes, all of that does make sense. It is so common sense to be able to focus on how you build your company, not just a company from the standpoint of employees, but also skills and talent and how all of those individuals should represent the communities that you're trying to market to, to try to sell to.
Chad (36m 34s):
Right? I mean, it just makes sense. And note to HR real quick. One of the reasons why we're in this fucking predicament today is because you stupid motherfuckers keep putting requirements on jobs that don't need to fucking be. You are the problem. And if you're saying, well, it's, it's the hiring managers who are saying that, fuck you. Okay. Because you should be the expert and knowing how to put this shit together. So that's the end of my rant.
Joel (37m 3s):
I got nothing after that, man. That was, that was good. I will add. However, there's not a lot of meat on the bones of this proposal. It was sorta like, we're going to do this, but not really telling anyone specifics about how we're going to do it. So ...
Chad (37m 17s):
No accountability, it's the easiest way to do it. And Jay, if anybody knows, you know, it's going to be fucking CEOs. They know how to get through shit and smile and then let it just fade away.
Joel (37m 27s):
It was great PR, all these guys were all over the news for at least a day and a half. So yeah.
Chad (37m 32s):
Talk and talk about another CEO who is who's having issues. Tell us a little bit about Uber in California.
Joel (37m 40s):
Yeah. So your, your buddies, Uber and Lyft, you've been really high on the, on the soap box about those drivers needing to be treated as workers. So out of California, recently, Uber Tech and Lyft were ordered to convert their California drivers from independent contractors to employees with benefits an early loss in a court battle the gig industry can't afford to lose. I assume that you're thrilled about this. It's probably a good thing however, it's a big game of chess.
Joel (38m 12s):
Uber is threatening to close its operations in California, ie you won't be able to catch an Uber in San Francisco anymore. And it looks like Lyft is following suit, threatening to close down the app in California. Your take sir,
Chad (38m 27s):
One of the biggest states, in the United States in shutting down and pretty much a country is what you're looking to do.
Joel (38m 35s):
The world's fifth largest economy by itself, I think.
Chad (38m 38s):
They are totally bullshitting. So in this point, it also reminds me of the Republicans who were talking about how they wanted to kill Obamacare and replace it with something. But they had nothing to replace it with. They had eight years to try to figure something out and have it ready for the day when they could fucking inject it in there. This dude is saying, well, you know, it's going to take us months to actually figure this out. Motherfucker you knew this was going to happen! Or at least you knew the prospect was very high. It was going to happen. So this is all about options and protections.
Chad (39m 8s):
And the problem is in California. And what the CEO of Uber doesn't want to talk about is that in California, the Cares Act had to cover gig workers who are out of work because they weren't, they weren't paying into benefits. So what's happening is fucking taxpayers are covering because Uber's not doing what they should be fucking doing in the first place. And that once again kids is what we call Corporate Welfare. When you and I have to cover the fucking freight for dumps on a bitches, like the CEO of Uber.
Joel (39m 41s):
It's called having your cake and eating it too. I agree that it's a game of chicken, at this point. They can't afford to leave California. Now, whether or not, I mean, the government's not going to blink. In my opinion. I think the most thing I hope for is there's an uprising of gig workers who say, we need. Part of their spin, as well as like with so many people unemployed, do you really want to risk that many more people that can't drive an Uber to make money? The only hope the company has is, is threatening to do this. They can't leave California.
Joel (40m 12s):
Like it's too big of a market. They need to figure out how to, how to work there. And by the way, there's, there's upward pressure in regards to profitability. We interviewed Mason Wong last year, who talked pretty transparently about Lyft needs to make money. And Uber is the same way. They're, they're both losing money. So now if you throw in this sort of regulation, in terms of treating drivers as employees, that's going to be a lot of weight on their business, that they have to figure out. So it's a game of chicken.
Joel (40m 44s):
I think they're going to lose, they're going to have to treat these folks as employees and figure it out. But if you're just playing chess and threatening, I think this is move they have to do, ultimately however they're going to pay.
Chad (40m 55s):
Yeah, and if your business model doesn't allow you to make a profit that does not give you license to fuck over your employees.
Joel (41m 3s):
Yeah. By the way, I haven't taken an Uber or Lyft in a while, but there are rumblings. There are rumblings that the prices, the pricing of it is going up quite a bit.
Chad (41m 13s):
It was too cheap in the first place. That was one of the, one of the issues.
Joel (41m 18s):
At least until self driving cars are a thing. Let's take a quick break and listen to a what JobAdX has to say. And then we're talking sex, dolls and VR people.
JobAdX (41m 28s):
Stand out in a feed full of boring job ads with a dynamic enticing video that showcases your company, culture, people, and benefits with JobAdX.
JobAdX (42m 12s):
Instead of hoping that job seekers will stumble upon your employment branding video JobAdX seamlessly displays it in the job description while they're searching, building a connection and reducing candidate drop-off. You're spending thousands of dollars on beautiful, informative employment branding videos that just sit on a YouTube channel begging to be discovered why not feature them across our network of over 150 job sites to proactively compel top talent to join your team, help candidates see themselves in your role by emailing That's Attract, engage, employ with JobAdX
Joel (42m 26s):
Now's now's the portion of our show. And we dive right into the mud and start slinging it around everybody.
Chad (42m 32s):
I can't wait.
Joel (42m 33s):
Yeah. And okay, so jeez, you can Google this one if you want, if you want more real, more news on it and more actual intelligent commentary, we're just throwing it in there because there's just too many innuendos that we could throw in around McDonald's. But the ex CEO apparently was showing his Big Mac to some internal employees, three total. I can't believe it's 2020. And we're still talking about people in the workplace, literally sending Slack messages, text messages, and emails, sexting over corporate bandwidth and whatnot, like if you're gonna do this shit people, this is one for the kids.
Joel (43m 18s):
Get a burner phone, don't send this shit out. Like it's like really stupid that an executive CEO from McDonald's can't figure this out. So anyway, you can look up the specifics of it. He was looking to biggie size, his Coke with too many, too many employees. The big, the big, the big scandal on this as well is that he, he allegedly covered up claims. He's giving stock to these women to shut them up. Okay.
Chad (-):
No way!
Joel (43m 46s):
This is an ongoing this an ongoing investigation, of course, but he's, he's, he's gonna have to pay back millions of dollars. Probably. They're going to pay these women a ton of money for what happened. They're probably going to get sued by, by shareholders.
Chad (44m 3s):
It's a big fucking mess, but yeah. Check it out. McDonald's CEO dippin' his McNuggets and the wrong sauce to say, to say the least, I don't know if you have any comment on this, but it was just, it was worth ending the show with a couple of sexy, dirty, nasty stories. And this is the first one. No, actually I believe what if he would have had a sex doll and VR glasses, he would have been fucking fine. And none of this shit would've happened. Yeah. Yeah.
Joel (44m 32s):
So real quick, the probe found dozens of nude or sexually explicit photos and video footage of female employees that were taken in 2018 and 1'9 and sent from his McDonald's email account to his personal email. But probably the more interesting story is prostitutes in Prague are up and arms, not happy. They're suffering, employment opportunities are going down for them. There's a story. I don't know, was it in Vice or something this week ...
Chad (45m 2s):
Joel (45m 3s):
They're now brothels
Chad (45m 5s):
It's Prague.
Joel (45m 7s):
My head is going to explode cause we're, we're mentioning sex, dolls, in VR in the same show. But so there's a brothel here where they have sex dolls in the bedrooms. And you, you put on your VR headset and you have your way with the doll while wearing your VR headset.
SFX (45m 28s):
That's it man, game over man.
Joel (45m 31s):
So the real women are pissed because more and more men are going to these dolls to have sex. I don't know. It's a can of worms. I don't know where to go with it. So do you envision a day where these are totally illegal around the world?
Chad (45m 47s):
It was funny. So we were talking before the show and everybody wants to say how many, you know, how many single dudes are going to buy these things? And my question was, you know, how many spouses are going to buy them for like their partner for, for, you know, cause like, Hey, instead of pestering me all the time, jump on your doll, right?
Joel (46m 9s):
Yeah. Great. So more silver linings, right? No disease safety, right? You're not going to get jacked as a, well, sorry, jacked is a bad word. You're not going to get held up or killed using prostitutes. You're not gonna be on the street. You know, doing whatever, probably less drug abuse if this shit isn't sort of all around, is it cheating or not? Like we said before the call, like
Chad (46m 36s):
It's up to your spouse.
Joel (46m 38s):
It's kind of up to each person, right? Like, I don't know. It's a, is the doll a lookalike of your wife or husband? Maybe that's okay. Or maybe, maybe the, the person, the VR headset is your wife or husband. And that's acceptable. Like, I don't know the rules, the rules have yet to be written on this shit, but Chad and cheese will be here to walk you through it kids.
Chad (46m 53s):
Yeah. And if you're doing it.
Joel (46m 56s):
If you're in Prague having sex with, with sex dolls and with beer headsets on, please let us know. Please come on the show and tell us about your experience.
Chad (47m 4s):
Just want to know how the experience was. You know, I need a beer. We out.
Joel (-):
We Out
Outro (47m 9s):
Yeah. This has been the Chad and Cheese podcast. Subscribe on iTunes, Google play or wherever you get your podcasts so you don't miss a single show and be sure to check out our sponsors because they make it all possible for more visit Oh yeah. You're welcome.