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Vaccines, Wages, and Hybrid Work

Chad Sowash

Let's face it, COVID times are nebulous at best. and with questions like:

  • Should employers mandate the COVID vaccination?

  • Will employers bump wages to stay competitive?

  • and... What will "back to work" post-COVID even look like? Office? Remote? Hybrid?

Luckily Seth Feit, Group VP of Talent at Spectrum / Charter Communications, stops by the pod to share details about all of these topics and how Spectrum is doing the hard work to get back to work.

Enjoy this Sovren exclusive.


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INTRO (1m 2s):

Hide your kids! Lock the doors! You're listening to HR’s most dangerous podcast. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheeseman are here to punch the recruiting industry, right where it hurts! Complete with breaking news, brash opinion and loads of snark, buckle up boys and girls, it's time for the Chad and Cheese podcast. Yeah.

Seth (1m 22s):

Oh yeah! Friday, Friday, Friday is our recording day. Today. What's up, everybody. You are listening to the Chad and Cheese podcast. I'm your loyal cohost Joel Cheeseman joined as always by my cohost Chad Sowash and today. What are we got? No, no, no, no. We got a treat today guys. It's Seth Feit. Did I say that right? Feit? Feet? I don't know. He's Group VP of Talent at Spectrum/Charter Communications. Seth. Welcome to your worst nightmare. Great to be here gentlemen. Oh, he's still here. Good. We didn't scare him away. So what do we need to know about you that I missed in the intro? Well, you did, you did butcher the last name, not a big deal.

Seth (2m 3s):

It's Feit, not Feet.

Joel (2m 5s):

Feit, not Feet, that's sexy.

Seth (2m 7s):

Yes Sir.

Joel (2m 13s):

Seth Feit.

Chad (2m 14s):

I want to hear about the AOL time that you had, you were Director of Talent Acquisition in '98 through 2000 at AOL. We're talking about dial up. I mean, tell us about that. How was that different than your role today?

Joel (2m 32s):

Just lost about a third of our listeners.

Chad (2m 35s):

Hey, I still have my AOL. I still have my AOL email address too, by the way. Do you use AOL instant messenger as well?

Seth (2m 43s):

Not AOL instant messenger, but still keep my, keep my AOL email for the glory days.

Joel (2m 48s):

You still have the phone number that you use to dial in to AOL.

Seth (2m 51s):

That was a great run for me. I mean, AOL was an interesting time. I joined back in 98. The company was doing real well back then. I mean, it was gearing up to eventually buy time Warner. And so I kind of lived through through that merger that, you know, was not the greatest merger in the history of mergers. That's for sure. But you know, AOL was an interesting time back then really, you know, to some extent the internet on training wheels, we were getting, everybody started on the internet. AOL was early into search early into commerce. You know, we were in Dulles, Virginia, not exactly a melting pot of where everybody wants to go work for technology, but we we were making the most of it back then. AOL was a very creative, great fun place to work.

Seth (3m 33s):

I thoroughly enjoyed it. We wound up, you know, the company I mentioned say we, I was a senior manager director level kind of promoted in the time I was there, but we bought, we bought Time Warner and that merger eventually wound up closing. And I moved over to the Time Warner entity, you know, later moved over to the cable side of the business cable business got bought. I mean, I've been at a version of this company. I really never left AOL, I'm 22 and a half years now at a version of this company. So, you know, Charter Communications bought Time Warner cable. And that's how I'm a part of now this Spectrum brand and the Charter company. So it's been a wild ride.

Joel (4m 8s):

Seth, can you paint a picture for the kids of what internet recruiting looked like in 1998?

Seth (4m 13s):

Yeah. I mean, since we were the internet, we were certainly using it a lot. Right. We were the way people were getting on. We had partnerships with some of the fellow dinosaurs, maybe like the They weren't early partner of AOL's and that was

Chad (4m 28s):

Key word Monster.

Seth (4m 30s):

Absolutely. We partnered closely with them. It definitely, we benefited from the company partnership with Monster at the time, because we were of course using it for, you know, that online career center, original start for Monster that we had used that in my college recruiting days at my previous employer before I ever got AOL. And I was thrilled that AOL had a partnership with Monster. I mean, we were out there trying to find technology people that wanted to tinker on this new thing called the internet. And, you know, I was in a programmatic type of role that AOL was kind of split up between some business units. I was what was considered the corporate group. I oversaw recruitment technology, college recruiting kind of stuff.

Seth (5m 10s):

So I dabbled in a few of those types of things, did some MBA recruiting, but it was, it was definitely early days of internet, you know, and unfortunately, really what happened with AOL. If they'd maybe had made more investments in the search and commerce side, maybe it would still be a bigger, better company than it is today, but the folks that all work there, we have a strong bond together. We stay in touch there's people that I worked with 20, 22 years ago that we still stay in touch to this day and it was a definitely a great experience.

Joel (5m 40s):

The cult of AOL.

Chad (5m 41s):

I remember in 1999, we had an all hands meeting in Indianapolis at Monster. The big unveil was we just landed key word monster. That was a big thing in those days.

Joel (5m 58s):

Why would you not want the keyword jobs or was that already taken?

Chad (6m 2s):

That's no, it wasn't. It was all about the brand. That was it. You forget who Jeff Taylor was, right. He didn't care about jobs. He just wanted the Monster. Right. But, so talk about your role today as Group VP of Talent. That's a pretty big all encompassing role, right?

Seth (6m 23s):

And in a lot of ways, it's a broad responsibility, but we have a very distributed type of HR and recruiting and training type of model. So although I oversee sort of the strategic direction of where we go with our recruitment and learning training, leadership development, org effectiveness, performance management. So a lot of big picture things fall under me from an overall leadership standpoint, but a majority of those real functional responsibilities of getting that work done the actual recruiting, actual training, you know, 95% plus sits in the business unit. So I sort of gather the, we have councils that we've set up for the talent acquisition side and the learning side.

Seth (7m 3s):

So myself and my team, we get those groups together. We used to do in-person on a quarterly basis. In a COVID world we do more monthly WebEx kind of set ups. And, you know, we try to drive on this mission to attract, acquire, develop, and retain talent for the company, monitoring what's going on out there, making sure from a recruiting standpoint and a learning standpoint that our recruiting community and our learning community have the tools to be successful. And, you know, I'm fortunate that the company's doing well. We invest in those products where we're five years, post-merger now with Charter buying Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks. And, you know, the company fr recruiting and transformation kind of standpoint is really started coming together.

Seth (7m 47s):

And the pandemic has been a spotlight for that. We had to really come together with that. And, you know, the talent function is trying to do the best we can to make sure we've got the best talent in our county.

Joel (7m 57s):

What's sort of your general take on minimum wage, the state of minimum wage in our country today?

Seth (8m 2s):

Well, I mean, you know, obviously there's a lot going on with the Biden administration and there they're looking at some things from a federal standpoint, we'll have to see where that goes. I think from a company standpoint, you know, we, 80% of our roles are probably considered frontline in nature. It's a, we're a cable operations company. So it's those technicians that are going into customer's homes, the maintenance techs that maintain the network and the plant, the call center reps that are handling either, either billing calls or technical calls. We have a huge sales organization. Then we have a bunch of business units that are aligned as well around some of our, you know, we have an advertising business and a fiber B2B kind of business, but, you know, so the minimum wage thing for us, like we knew we had to work on our, you know, 11, 12 bucks an hour is not going to cut it in New York City.

Seth (8m 51s):

It's not going to cut it in Columbia, South Carolina either. So, you know, we knew as a company we had to invest, fortunately, our senior leadership at Charter, they really wanted Charter employees to do a lot of things. So we didn't Time Warner cable had a decent amount of outsourced, you know, contractor for field operations installations. Maybe some more call centers, would have been outsourced then than not compared to what Charter had done. And so Charter came in, but post acquisition and really wanted to bring those jobs, you know, to the company and certainly onshore. And so as a part of that evolution as a company, we were just looking at what our wage practices are and we had decided a few years back that we were going to go with this $15 an hour minimum.

Seth (9m 36s):

And it was, you know, even at that time we thought pretty progressive. And it, we had some challenges internally around some salary compression and those kinds of things. And it took us a better part of a year, year and a half to iron those out.

Chad (9m 48s):

What year was that? Seth? Was that like 2016 or

Seth (9m 51s):

Yeah, yeah, yeah. 2016, '17, I guess. I don't know exactly, but sometime around then probably we announced it in '17, had it fully implemented in '18. We're always looking at it. It had always been on the radar, but then when the pandemic hit, you know, rather than, you know, throw $500 or a thousand dollars at each employee and some companies did that and I'm sure employees appreciated that we wanted to make a bigger long-term investment. And so we had this long-term vision of going to $20 an hour. So we figured this is the right time to announce that we're going to go to $18 an hour. So that's what we announced that last year, we just implemented it earlier this year. And so now we're at $18 an hour next year, we're going to be a $20 an hour minimum for these frontline roles.

Seth (10m 34s):

We believe it's going to be an eventual, competitive advantage for us. And we'll, we'll keep, and

Joel (10m 39s):

You hire people all over the country, I assume.

Seth (10m 41s):

We do. Yeah. We're 95,000 employees. We're in 41 States. We have call centers in just about each of those 41 States. It might be like 39. So it might not be every single one of the States we service, but in most States multiple centers, we've got different types of call centers. And, you know, these frontline areas, it's primarily that field technician.

Joel (11m 3s):

The question is so obviously 18 an hour in, you know, Bessemer, Alabama is not the same as $18 in, you know, New York City. Is $18, $18/20, just the floor and people in those higher level markets, higher tier markets, they get paid even more. How does that work?

Seth (11m 22s):

Well, I mean, it's all a little new to us as well as we launched this. I mean, certainly there's markets like New York City and LA that we service that are higher cost of labor, higher cost of living areas in some of our smaller markets, but it's really a baseline for us to start. There's not a ton of differentiation right now at those levels. We're trying to get people to that $18. And then next year, the twenty dollars and, you know, depending on the location, there's, there's going to be some, some variations of that. Of course we have progression type of plans. Like a call center rep starts off as a CSR customer service rep one, and then works their way through a progression to a two and a three, and there's know more salary and hourly rate, you know, availability on those.

Seth (12m 6s):

But, you know, as of now, we're still kind of early stages on a lot of this and getting to that aspirational $20 next year. So we're still kind of a wait and see for us.

Chad (12m 15s):

So are your customer service rep positions? Are those, are they currently, I would assume they're virtual. Are they going to stay that way? How do those positions work? Because that's an entirely different conversation if you're talking remote versus somebody who actually has to be local because they're servicing cable, right? Yeah.

Seth (12m 35s):

Yeah. Well, what's interesting, you know, probably what, 13 months ago we were paying almost zero calls from home as a company. We just did not have any at-home reps. I mean, we have a culture of our company, you know, those retail store reps that have to go to a store. The technicians that go to the customer's homes. I mean, we generally, you know, culturally, like people want people in the office, working together, collaborating that kind of thing. If it had been the plan, you know, as we brought jobs off shore and internal to the company, we wanted to have people together. That's sort of a company desire, kind of a cultural plan for the org. So obviously pandemic hits. We didn't even know half the things we were trying to figure out at the time, the social distancing, the face coverings, the personal protective equipment.

Seth (13m 20s):

I mean, we were scrambling like every other company, but we had to quickly shift to allow those work from home. And it was not, you know, that that call center rep doesn't have a laptop. It's not as easy for them to just, okay, I'm going to work from home today. They had to literally take their CPU units home and their headsets, which as we know earlier, when we were testing my mic, I don't have. We invested in the reps on those guys, not me, but, you know, so it, it was a huge transition to get social distancing in our offices, get, provide PPE, you know, get some percentage of our calls from home so we were able to spread out in our call centers. But, you know, for the most part, we never shut down a call center, any of our offices, and we are still taking calls from office.

Seth (14m 3s):

We have a bit of a hybrid right now. We were at our peak, it was probably maybe 25, 35% were in an office, you know, were in a call center and with the other balance being from home, and we're starting to shift that a little more, the other way, as we get a little more comfortable with our social distancing, we're getting, you know, people are getting vaccinated, we're still following CDC guidelines and have these strict requirements of, you know, face coverings when walking around in the public areas, that kind of thing. We try to use all those guidance that we have out there. So it's, it's interesting. We are still in an office and planning on getting more and more people back in the office.

Joel (14m 40s):

So the big thing now is vaccine requirements. Where are you guys landing on that one?

Seth (14m 45s):

Yeah, certainly a great topic internally, that's been highly debated at the highest levels of the company and where we've landed is we're not requiring, but encouraging and doing everything we can to educate people.

Joel (14m 57s):

Are you incentivizing? Am I getting a $25 certificate, gift card to Target?

Chad (15m 2s):


Joel (15m 3s):

I loved Chipolte.

Seth (15m 4s):

No, not, not those kinds of incentives, other just education as best we can. And as you guys know, every state's been a little different, even counties are different in how they want to get to offer the vaccination. I mean, since we were this essential business from the beginning, you know, we're not, I'm not claiming we're frontline, you know, doctors, or maybe even the supermarket kind of people, but we are, you know, keeping your internet on while everyone everyone's working from home. It was pretty important.

Chad (15m 27s):

That's Essential. I mean, that's business. That's essential, so yeah.

Seth (15m 32s):

So we were, at least in most States we were considered that kind of one C opportunity to get our vaccinations. And it was complicated. I mean, it's still complicated by each state. We're still kind of looking at when and how we can get people vaccinated, but we're actually in this week getting our final plans together to do seven onsite vaccinations in what we call kind of mega sites, where we have, you know, a couple thousand employees and at least 500 to a thousand of our employees that have expressed interest in getting a vaccination and want to do that. Nice. Yeah. So we've got a third party partner that we work with on that. They're coming on site over the next couple of weeks, offer those. And, you know, we just, we want, we, we believe in science, we believe in herd immunity.

Seth (16m 12s):

We're trying to get our own employees behind that. And we know it's a very personal decision, but we look at it as we're all in this together and we wanna encourage educate and, you know, provide the opportunity.

Joel (16m 24s):

So one of the things we talk about a lot, is initially a lot of big companies were playing the work from home hybrid really, really waving that flag. And it seems like they're moving more toward, Oh, we're getting back to the headquarters. It sounds like that's, what's going to be happening at Charter. Or am I, am I reading that wrong?

Seth (16m 43s):

Yeah, definitely. I mean, we're, as I've said, we kind of never left. So we we've been at some kind of hybrid where we're rarely more than 50%. I don't think there's, I don't know if there's even a building we've been at over 50% occupancy just to keep social distancing and everything. And so we've sort of never left the office. So our return to office plans are more, how do we increase that? And we're just kind of monitoring, looking at those CDC guidelines and seeing what is, what's gonna make the most sense. But we're trying to, like, as an example, with my own talent team, we've been more on like an ABCD schedule in our cubes and with our office, people generally like myself, I've really been coming in for the most part, almost every work day. Most of my direct reports with offices are kind of following a similar plan.

Seth (17m 26s):

Maybe other folks at like the director manager level are coming in every other week and our queue people are coming in one week a month and working remote those other three.

Joel (17m 35s):

So for those of us who don't have a real job, ABCD means different time, different time windows?

Seth (17m 41s):

It's a week, like in A week, B week, C week, D week. So within a week being one, one, one week out another, but there's, there's also, we were company that has, depending on the leaders of that organization. And there's some nuances to how that plan works. Like I'm describing more of the plan for my Charlotte based team. In a place like St. Louis, where I've got some of my technical recruiters that sit with our IT organization, we try to mirror the IT orgs plan. So they might, they might be in two weeks and out two weeks, we try to have the recruiters come in the same kind of plans. There's also some caveats to it, but, and we're now looking at, but by the beginning of the summer timeframe, you know, probably mid to late June, we'll be more like a 50/50 kind of plan.

Seth (18m 22s):

Probably make an a B week or maybe an AB day and just start getting people back into the flow. And then by the fall fingers crossed, knock on wood, herd immunity, things are looking better. Variants are under control. CDC guidelines have shifted a little bit, you know, we're making plans to have more people in the office and, you know, want to benefit from that collaboration and have people be able to work together.

Chad (18m 43s):

What about autonomy? Because many employees feel like they've been more productive and even bottom lines and activity reports and productivity reports have demonstrated that they have been more productive at home. Is there going to be some type of hybrid autonomy kind of plan where you allow individuals let's say next year 2022. And I know, that's way off because there's still a lot of time, but are you talking about having discussions around providing more autonomy to individuals? Because that's a huge benefit.

Seth (19m 17s):

Yeah, we are. And what's fascinating about that is two years ago, the concept of a remote worker would have been like laughed at.

Chad (19m 24s):


Seth (19m 25s):

Yeah. That would not have even come up. Now what it means for Charter's, probably not the way maybe all of our employees would like it at first. I don't think it's going to be, you are in a remote job and you never have to come in the office or you're in a 50/50 job. You know, we're, we'll look at a per job basis, but you're overseeing the talent organization. You know, I've got executive recruiters that do across the company work, I've got corporate and technical recruiters that hire for those groups and those jobs can be done from home. And I'm hoping, and we don't know for sure, but by 2022, I'm open there's, you know, hybrid that gives everybody the balance that they desire, and also gives them a chance to interact with their clients though, in the office. Right. We have our folks based in St.

Seth (20m 5s):

Louis, where IT is. In Denver, where our software technology network ops groups are. Like here in Charlotte, we've got, you know, some hybrid of some of our technology groups and all of our staff areas. So, you know, we like our recruiters to be in with their clients. So it's, I think I'll always be some type of tether to the center. I doubt we're going to hire fully remote jobs and, you know, we can hire Chad in Indianapolis to work for us. I don't, I don't see that as happening in 2022, maybe that's 2023 or 2024, but we're trying to be flexible. I know for me overseeing, you know, a pretty big function at my company, I want to be as flexible as I can and try to listen and hear our employees. And we celebrated some great success last year, and we did it working remote a lot.

Seth (20m 47s):

So we have to recognize that we were able to do it ourselves and we showed it can work and have to balance that with kind of the company culture and desire, you know? So.

Joel (20m 56s):

How are you from a recruiting standpoint? So the work from home phenomenon, I think is, has created a bit of an expectation, particularly with knowledge workers, that I should be able to work from home. So you mentioned a little, some pockets of technology workers, and that they're going to get back to the office, so are you fearful that that's going to create a hindrance to your recruiting ability to get those folks who are sort of have an expectation now of I can do my job from home so I'm going to work for a company that lets me do that, or are you rethinking your branding strategy to make that a positive for workers? Talk about that.

Seth (21m 32s):

Yeah, the quick answer is yes. I mean, I am personally concerned as the head of talent and the person in charge of our employment brand and the messages we put out there. And, you know, as you guys can tell from my passion, I mean, I really believe in my company, believe in the organization, believe in the products and services that we offer. I mean, I think we're a great place to work, but I think we have to be smart about what candidate and employee expectations are. And we have to monitor that closely. And that's one of the reasons I'm a little more optimistic about the fact that at least we're considering some of those more flexible options, and we're just going to have to monitor it along the way. I mean, this was already happening a couple of years ago, we have a bunch of technology, people in Denver, we were losing people to virtual opportunities that they were getting.

Seth (22m 14s):

Right? And there's more and more of them, obviously this pandemic sped all that up. And I think as people are still uncomfortable with the thought of going back into an office, they're probably been the height of that nervousness as we're still figuring out vaccinations. And what does this really mean? And what are variants? I mean, we're at a word a very dicey time right now, and we have to be smart about it ourselves. I know myself and my recruitment technology folks, we're monitoring our candidate flow and trying to keep a sense of the pulse of our candidates. And of course our employees as well. And we know there's some nervousness and we're, we still, as a company believe culturally that we are better in the office better together, and we'll keep down that path.

Seth (22m 55s):

But hopefully with some flexibility and not wanting it to impact our ability to attract and retain people.

Chad (23m 2s):

You mentioned employment brand. I also think this, this bridges over to consumer brand as well, when you start to talk about minimum wage is going from $15 to 18 to 20. I mean, that people understand that is their community that you service number one, and the people that actually work that are their neighbors. Right? So this to me, when you're making these types of decisions, do you work with marketing to be able to talk about more of a holistic rollout, because this doesn't just impact prospective candidates. This also impacts the opportunities for acquiring customers as well.

Seth (23m 42s):

Wow. Yeah, it's a great point. And I'd say yes, we definitely work with those groups. I mean, certainly a group like sales and marketing, they benefit from the wage increases as well. There's a lot of the sales roles are commissions, so they don't really fall under the same, you know, $18 an hour things since they've got the commission potential to make much more than that, but they, they benefit from it personally. At the highest leadership levels, they're certainly very well aware. We have a really good relationship with our external communication group, with our own employment brand, so we try to tie that together. I mean, you know, I feel like I'm almost taking credit for our $18, $20 an hour thing. I mean, this was much more

4 (24m 22s):

Do it Seth. Do it. It Was mine. It was all mine.

Seth (24m 24s):

I was in a room one day and said, you know what? We should be paying $18/hour. Our CHRO Palmer Sean's been really pushing that, our head of compensation, you know, it goes all the way up to our CEO and our board. I mean, this is a big investment that the company has made, right. It doesn't when you were paying 11, 12 bucks an hour and went to 15 and 18 and 20, I mean, you're investing a lot more in your frontline employees and you had before. And, you know, we're fortunate that we're in a good and growing business, right? I mean, we had a very productive, good year in 2020, and now we're in the mobile business selling our Spectrum mobile product. So yeah, it's all connected. And, you know, one of the reasons, you know, in my intro there, when, Cheese was giving my intro, it's like Spectrum/Charter.

Seth (25m 8s):

You know, we aren't, the corporation is Charter, but the brand is Spectrum. And we made a specific employment branding decision to align with our friends and marketing around that because when we were post-merger, you know, taking the Time Warner Cable name and the Bright House name, and quite frankly, even the Charter name, and we switched that all to Spectrum and we wanted to ride that wave with our employment brand. So that, whole like Spectrum, Spectrum Careers it's really helped us kind of grow that brand. And then the community work that we do, and we are, we're a local business. Right. And we take full advantage of that. It, if you, you know, some of your points earlier, is it a disadvantage that we're not offering remote roles possibly, but is it an advantage that we are in these 41 States in all these local markets providing, you know, good paying jobs and career opportunities for people, yeah absolutely?

Seth (25m 58s):

You know that's what we have to focus on and make that the area of emphasis at those local levels and really drive those local economies.

Joel (26m 8s):

One of the counterpoints to the argument that government should raise the minimum wage and what that should be, and government should be more involved is that tHe invisible hand of the market is much more powerful than any sort of government regulation.

Chad (26m 25s):


Joel (26m 26s):

I'm curious how much of this decision by you guys to raise the minimum wage or that your wage to $18 and then 20 was driven in part by Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc. Raising their own minimum wage to work at those companies at roughly $15 an hour. How much was this market forces? How much was it? Oh, we're just doing really great as a business and we're going to raise minimum.

Seth (26m 51s):

I mean, we really wanted to invest in our employees at those frontline levels. I mean, I think we knew that these were not competitive and in some cases, even, even living wages and, you know, when we went to the $15 an hour, I mean, it was a good start, obviously. Now we're at 18 going to 20, but we did some, we did some employee focus groups and we asked some employees, would you be willing to put your story on video? And I still remember like this emotional video of one of our technicians talking about with this pay increase, his wife can now take nursing school classes, get her nursing certificate and become a nurse and really help, you know, change the trajectory of their family. And it's like, ah, just almost brings a tear to your eye kind of emotion stuff like, wow, that's this great impact kind of stuff.

Seth (27m 33s):

So we've very much monitor the market. We try to be market competitive and we knew it, you know, $11, $12 an hour for a call center rep job you're not as competitive when you get up to $15, you're starting to get competitive at $18, you might be at the higher end of the market in some of the smaller markets out there. So, you know, it's very much with, you know, trying to invest in our employees to make sure they can be an active part of their communities and have success and grow their careers. And then I think there is a government angle in this. I mean, we have a government affairs group that works with our partners in DC and throughout all of our 41 States. We've got people in our local and state government affairs groups that work closely with our constituents there.

Seth (28m 14s):

And these are big topics for them too. I mean, they love seeing the investment that we're making. So it's, you know, I don't think that was ever the reason that we did it, but it's certainly a nice benefit of it. And it, it highlights that, you know, community and even government partnership in some ways of what we're doing,

Joel (28m 29s):

Don't be ashamed of capitalism, Seth don't be ashamed.

Chad (28m 34s):

Yeah. Just capitalism that needs more guard rails. That's Seth Feit everybody Group VP of Talent at Spectrum/Charter Communications. Seth, first and foremost, we've got to have you, or at least some members of your staff back to talk about some other topics, because we only got a few in. D&I, training, pipeline, and we know that you guys do a lot of that, but in the meantime, if somebody wants to connect with you or find out more about jobs at Spectrum, where would you send them?

Seth (29m 4s): is our main site to go to definitely check it out. We're excited. We just invested in a new website, went live earlier, end of January, this year, we're excited about that so check it out and you know, I'm a very out there LinkedIn guy. So if anyone wants to connect with personnel, LinkedIn certainly look me up, Feit, not feet. And look at guys that it's a pleasure being on here with you a long time listener, first time caller. But it's been, it's been great talking with you guys.

Chad (29m 36s):

Love it, man.

Joel (29m 37s):


Chad (29m 38s):

We appreciate it. And we want to have you back, but until then, Joel, another one in the books, my friend.

Chad and Joel (29m 44s):

We Out.

OUTRO (30m 5s):

Thank you for listening to podcasts with Chad and Cheese. Brilliant! They talk about recruiting. They talk about technology, but most of all, they talk about nothing. Anyhoo, be sure to subscribe today on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, or wherever you listen to your podcasts. We out.


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