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Chad Sowash
Oct 20, 2021
Euro Unicorns & Facebook Bribes?
Did you know bathing in beer is taking Europe by storm? Yeah, that's the kind of show you can expect as you push play. Volonte CEO and...

Chad Sowash
Aug 13, 2021
Zip-a-de Recruiter
Zip a-de-do-da, zip-a-de ZipRecruiter! Since going public in May, the No. 2 job site in the US has been on a tear, and the boys outline...

Chad Sowash
Jun 25, 2021
TECH WARS: Amazon vs. Walmart
This week has a little bit of everything. First, it's a heavyweight fight between Amazon and Walmart for which one's a soulless pit of...

Chad Sowash
Jun 11, 2021
Take This Job and Shove It
A 1970s' Johnny Paycheck song captures the feeling of today's job market. Take This Job and Shove It! Yes, even with an unprecedented...

Chad Sowash
May 7, 2021
Indeed Gonna Indeed
Just when Indeed looks like they've run out of spaghetti to throw at the wall, they did what this week? We're clearly not in Kansas...

Chad Sowash
Mar 5, 2021
Facebook Jobs Invasion
It's a lactose-free episode of The Chad & Cheese podcast with special guest, Canadian podcast superstar, Shelley Billinghurst of The...

Chad Sowash
Feb 19, 2021
Indeed's FUBAR UX
"Indeed gives zero fucks about employers!!! - Yes, that's a quote from an employer... and No you're not surprised. What do you get when...

Chad Sowash
Jan 8, 2021
Paradox Learns How to Spetz
What a year so far, huh? The world needs a new beacon of hope, and Chad & Cheese are here to fill the void. On this week's show Paradox...
Chad and Cheese
Jun 5, 2017
ROADSHOW: Live from TA Tech Summit – All Things Google for Jobs - Minneapolis
The boys were at TA Tech Summit in Minneapolis June 1, and did a live broadcast on all things Google … we’re talkin’ Google Cloud Jobs...
Chad and Cheese
Apr 29, 2017
LinkedIn’s Future | Slack Eavesdropping | Vervoe’s Automated Interviews | Job Boards Aren’t Dead
This week, the boy wonders discuss LinkedIn’s ongoing ubiquity in news and finally catching up to Facebook and Twitter on this one key...
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