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Chad Sowash
Dec 10, 2021
Best of 2021... Joel's Picks
The year that was 2021 didn't turn out exactly as expected. Business travel didn't come back, the Delta variant threw a big monkey wrench...

Chad Sowash
Dec 8, 2021
TextKernel Catches a Whopper!
Chad is too busy building his Portuguese real estate empire, we've brought on industry Brainfooder Hung Lee to the show to join Cheese...

Chad Sowash
Nov 26, 2021
Thankful Turkeys
It ain’t cool being a jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving, but it's definitely cool listening to the Thanksgiving Day episode of The...

Chad Sowash
Nov 19, 2021
Indeed? Where we're going, we don't need Indeed.
Tiger King is back on Netflix, which makes the fact there's even an episode this week pretty amazing, but as much as we're junkies for...

Chad Sowash
Nov 17, 2021
It's Mr. ATS
The world knows Mr. Rogers. Mr. T. And even Mr. Mister if you're of a certain age. But Mr. ATS? Yes, industry veteran Peter Gold has...

Chad Sowash
Nov 12, 2021
cube19 Feels Horny
Have you hugged a veteran today? As we record on Veterans Day, Drill Sergeant Sowash breaks down ways to go beyond "Thank you for your...

Chad Sowash
Nov 5, 2021
Indeed Tomfuckery
The industry remains as hot as ever, which is good because there's some Halloween weight I'm trying to burn. Anyway... Indeed leads off...

Chad Sowash
Oct 29, 2021
LinkedIn Slices Fiverr
What's scarier than ghosts and goblins on Halloween? LinkedIn looking to slice up Fiverr and Upwork, The Great Resignation heads to a...

Chad Sowash
Oct 22, 2021
BetterUp Lands A Great Deel
Stop me if you've heard this one before: HR tech company gets buckets of money. Well, the song remains the same this week, as companies...

Chad Sowash
Oct 20, 2021
Euro Unicorns & Facebook Bribes?
Did you know bathing in beer is taking Europe by storm? Yeah, that's the kind of show you can expect as you push play. Volonte CEO and...
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