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Chad Sowash
Jul 30, 2021
LinkedIn Crushes Monster
Remember when you thought Microsoft had lost their collective mind when they dropped $26.2 billion for LinkedIn? HA! Well, it looks like...

Chad Sowash
Jun 4, 2021
Stack the Steal
It's a Stack-quisition! Wait that sounds familiar... Stack the steal! Dollar bills, ya'll! Developer community Stack Overflow, one of the...

Chad Sowash
May 28, 2021
ZipRecruiter Trash Talk
ZipRecruiter? More Like Dip-Recruiter The boys both turn 50-years-old this week, which means a lot of mature, grown-up, and responsible...

Chad Sowash
Apr 30, 2021
Jobvite Lights The Fuse
Chad is back from vacay, and it's a good thing because the news was droppin' like bombs this week. Jobvite gobbled-up JazzHR and...

Chad Sowash
Apr 16, 2021
Fear, Loathing, and ZipRecruiter
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the economy added 233K jobs in January, 468K in February, and 916K in March. So, everyone...

Chad Sowash
Jan 22, 2021
Personio Rides the Dinosaur
It's a new day in America. New president. New Vice President, who's also a minority woman! The new attitude in the New World, if you...

Chad Sowash
Oct 2, 2020
CareerBuilder Misdirection
A hot mess inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck might best describe this week. The boys unleash on everyone.

Chad Sowash
Sep 11, 2020
2020 is Surreal, Right?
This week's show is a touchdown (honoring the NFL season, obvi ;) But it's a weird, surreal COVID kind of touchdown, like 2020 has delivered
Chad and Cheese
Jun 16, 2017
McDonald's Goes All-In on Snapchat | Amazon Wants to Buy Slack | Entelo Gets $20 Million
What started out as a slow week certainly turned up as time passed. Entelo received $20 million in funding, and the boys discuss what’s...
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